Possible breeding program

I let the boy out of his confinement. He's tit-bitting for the girls, wing dancing for them, and I haven't seen a forced mating since I released him.

One thing I do miss is seeing them all congregate outside my window, since his bachelor pad is right there.
This is my Biel x Jersey Giant, 27 weeks.


JG x RIR back-cross cockerel. Looks just like his dad at the same age. Those bright red feathers are starting to appear. All three cockerels are getting their boy-feathers at almost 11 weeks.
This morning I put out the chicks food as usual and they basically ignored it. One or two nibbled, then walked away.

Time to work on transitioning them to primarily free range. The other group of chicks (Rangers and Buckeyes) are also going out to find breakfast, then returning to eat later. I can't transition that group entirely because I have a broody sitting. She needs food whenever she comes out.

I told her 5 more days and she gave me the stinkeye. 🙃

Two of the little boys are crowing.
This week I'll put out the morning feeding some time after I let the chicks out. Get them used to foraging early, but still have plenty of food during the day. Then their evening feeding as usual.
These boys are the JG x RIR back-cross (in order of hierarchy), currently at almost 15 weeks.

#1 and his brother are the same size, but he's the undisputed leader. He's the most intelligent of the three. His hackle feathers are the same bright red as his brothers, but it doesn’t show against the underlying brown. This is the one that was protecting his sister at 2 days old. Has no interest in the pullets (unlike the Ranger boy, who will definitely be going to freezer camp in a few weeks).


2nd in command, and he doesn't let anybody forget it. He challenges #3, and even sometimes the pullets, but never #1. He's showing a definite interest in the older ladies, but not the pullets. He will push #3 or the pullets away from the food, and definitely demands "his share." His bright red hackle feathers show well against the black collar of underfeathers, and like his brother his tail feathers are literally green, edged with red/brown.


#3, not the brightest crayon in the box. Looks just like his dad at the same age. No aggression, to either me or his brothers. Shows no interest in the pullets. He is definitely the odd man out, but some of the pullets seem to prefer him, following him when they free range and sticking close while his brothers do their own thing.

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Biel x JG x BA. Hatched this afternoon. I was expecting black, since his father is black barred and his mother black.

I may have a problem, or I may be imagining things.

My broody hen goes broody twice a year, since she started to lay. First time a snake took all her eggs. 2nd time, she was so happy with her babies! Attentive, watchful.

Two died in the coop at 2 days old. I assumed the rooster, but they were perfectly positioned to have been crushed when the adults jumped down off the roost. She raised the other two and was a perfect mom.

Third time, she only got one, and again seemed a perfect mother.

I just took the chicks out to meet her. Tucked them in, she heard them and started talking to them, perfectly content. Then one started moving beyond her. She used her beak to tuck him back in. He tried to get around her. She pecked him lightly. He started crying. His brother started crying and trying to climb over her, perhaps to get to his upset brother. She pecked at him as well, trying to get them both back under her.

I could just see the frustration building. Her pecks got harder. Both babies crying and trying to get away.

I brought them back in to the brooder.
She eventually took all four. They were born on the second and the third, so nearly a week old.


Their first outside excursion was an adventure. They're in the broody cage attached to another coop. The other birds have been interested but basically ignored them except for complaining that they couldn't get to the food.

So far, so good. I let them out, and this time she led her chicks out for the first time. One of the young cockerels immediately went after the chicks. Mama got between and it was just like watching a rooster fight. She wouldn't let him get to the chicks and he wasn't going to allow her to put him in his place.

Chaos ensued, chicks scattered and crying, Mama absolutely determined and Jr. Birdman angry as all getout. I had to fight him off with a stick, then I had to coax the chicks back to Mama (they were behind the coop where she couldn't get to them) get Jr. Birdman out of the broody coop and coax Mama back into it.

Not sure what to do about him. I have another slated for freezer camp this weekend, and it wouldn't cause any problems to do two instead of one. He's been challenging me for a while, just hasn't gotten up the nerve to actually do anything.

He's also the one that keeps trying to mount the 12 week old chicks. The others basically ignore them, a point in the favor of the senior (still a cockerel, but over six months old while these guys are sixteen weeks) who will also be dinner once I have a well-behaved replacement.

But I cannot tolerate a roo that attacks chicks or broodies.

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