Pattern name and genetics behind it


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
I have several Bielefelder x Black Australorp and Biel x Jersey Giant chicks.

Most are growing up black barred, which is what I expected.


But one is different. She has the barring just like the others, but she also has white speckles that don't seem to have any pattern. She is a Biel x BA.


Any idea what the genetics might be for this pattern?
I've had patchy Barred birds, produced through my past projects. The splotches/speckles, whatever you wanna call it they'll eventually grow out of it.

But better close up pictures will, show whether it's just juvenile pattern, or not though.
That would be good if it was juvenile patterning, but even better if it was adult coloring. She blends in so well that if she holds still I can't see her.
I'll get some close-up pictures when I can. My camera fuzzes all the zoomed pictures and chicks move fast! 🤣

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