Pond weed for hens?


10 Years
Apr 28, 2014
We have recently moved house and now have an unused pond, it doesn't have a pump and there is what i believe to be pond weed growing in it. Does anyone know if it is safe to let the chicken have it? either fresh to eat or dried to play with?
If the pond has been unused for some time, it is likely to have become a wildlife haven, and the weed will have eggs or young in it at this time of year, so I'd recommend leaving it alone, and then your chickens will be able to enjoy a lot more and more varied insects, and possible amphibians and reptiles too, in the weeks and months to come.
thanks for your reply, the pond is manmade and we are planning to get rid of it, am i right in thinking from what you said that they can eat the pond weed safely?
am i right in thinking from what you said that they can eat the pond weed safely?
no, I was only referring to insects and animals that might live in it. I have no idea about the pond weed. The first thing you need to do to find the answer to that is to identify exactly what type of pond weed it is. If there are wildlife groups or charities in your area, they may have local types of pond weed listed and photographed on their websites.
Just give it to the hens, they have great instincts on what is safe to eat. If it is slime algae, they might not eat it. Something like water hyacinth can be fed fresh or fermented. You would be unbalancing their diet though if you are raising broilers or laying hens.

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