PLEASE HELP ME!!! Guinea keat has spraddled legs!


12 Years
Jun 19, 2007
N.E. Oklahoma
Ok I know this is a chicken forum, but I need some help really bad. I went and bought some chicks and keats and the lady that sold me them said if I wanted to have this one she would give it to me free. The only thing is that it has spraddled legs. I think that's how you say it. Anyway it can't get up and walk because it's legs are to far apart. So I put a band around it to keep it's feet closer together. Is there anything else I should do and have any of you all every had this problem and if so how did it turn out? The lady said he would either get better or die. And of course I don't want him to die!

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What the lady said is true, I had one guinea keet that developed perosis on top of the spradle leg problem, my husband and I took it to the vet to get surgery for the perosis problem but my keet did not make it.

One thing that I can give you advice with is THE FOOD. Make sure that your babies eat variety of grains, bread, oatmeal and greens, the feed that is sold in stores has too much protein for the keets and will make them sick or will help develop the bone disease, if you do not have other than the feed that is sold at stores give your keets some unsweetened cereal for right now and buy some of the small seed that is sold for parakeets at the grocery store later. Balance is good do not only feed them the "wildgame bird starter grower"

Do not overlook nutrition for your keets, it is VERY important so they can grow healthy.

Good luck with your keet and keep us informed.
I had a chick hatch and had spraddle legs. After asking for help on this site, I got a response that had a link to a poultry health site that told how to treat this. My computer crashed since then and I lost everything on it. Basically, what it said to do is take a 3/4" band-aid, wrap one side of the tape around the top of one leg, then the other end of the band-aid tape around the other leg, with the non-stick pad in the center between the legs. This brings the legs down into their normal position and keeps them there, but the chick is still able to walk a little bit. I kept it on the chick for around 24 hours and it worked perfectly. No problems now. It may have been Bayou chica, that recommended the site, I am not sure.

Good Luck
Make sure you use a bedding that will give your keet a good foothold. Newspapers are too slippery. A really cheap and easy way to give the little one extra traction is to place a non-skid shelf liner (99 cents at walmart in the kitchen aisle) over paper towels.
Ok I read that you can put a pipe cleaner around it's legs and that will help. So I did that because it kicks it's legs and most stuff comes loose. But, the only thing thta's bothering me is it still can't stand up even with the pipe cleaner around it's legs. Unless I hold it up. What do you all think about that? Is that what their suppose to do or should they be able to stand?

When I did mine, it was able to stand up shortly after I put it on. But when it tried to walk, it would kind of trip. After a while it learned to walk a little bit. By the next morning the band-aid had been worked loose and it was walking around good. I am sure it does not have to be a band-aid, I am sure it could be something stronger like bandage tape. Just tape the legs the proper distance apart and that would work the same way. Good Luck.
I've used the band aid method for a couple of baby chics & just give it some time okay.Just make sure the guinea can have food & water close by.You may want to put some marbles in the water so it won't drown. Ya never know.BTW do you have the keet seperated from the rest? might be better with maybe one little buddy instead of being alone.
I hope the little one gets better soon. Please update when ya can.

I'm having a really hard time with this. I feel so sorry for him. He just lays there and kicks his legs. He can't get up on his own but I can stand him up and he will stand up for a few seconds then he falls over and his right toe is red with a black nail I don't know if that has something to do with him falling over or what. And I put a rug under him and I just sprinkled the food on it BUt tonight I went in there one last time before I came in and he had fallen in his water! But, I found him in time before he drowned. So I dried him off and he is still alive. So I don't know how much longer I should give it? Please help me with this!


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