Chick with one leg sticking straight out like a HIGH 5


6 Years
Nov 4, 2017
So, his chick is one of 4 that hatched. I had to help her out of the shell.....
That is never a good sign, but in the past Ive had many who lived happy lives so if they pip but no zip, I help.

Anyways, she had spraddle leg. I used vet wrap on day 2 and bound her legs closer together. I did 4-6 therapy sessions with her each day and by the end of day 8 she was walking pretty well, a little wonky, so I unbound her legs. THAT WAS A MISTAKE.
Then I got really busy for 3 days and didn't do much with her, just quick food and water etc.
The past few days Ive been watching her hop around and finally today I inspected what is going on.

Her hip joints are ok, but the good leg comes out and goes toward the back, bends then comes toward the front like it should....
The BAD leg goes straight forward. I dont want to force the bad leg to go backwards... I'm afreid it will break.

What can be done to help? Please watch the video. BTW, she has grown MUCH LESS than the others who are almost 3 x her size now, at 16 days old.


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I am willing to try anything, but I cannot have a chick that can't roost or has to be "tended to separately". We have goats and horses and the chickens free range in summer
It doesn’t sound promising. She may have a leg bone deformity or something else, but seeing what it looks like could help. I can’t see the videos you have above.

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