Please Advice: LONG time between eggs hatching. Take em out?

Someone else might say this is bad advice, but I'd open the incubator and let some of the humidity out and lower the temperature by 5 degrees or so. And I'd move the healthy chicks to a brooder. The opening and closing of the mouth is normal for chicks still absorbing the yolk, but doesn't sound right to me if it's a chick already hatched.
Someone else might say this is bad advice, but I'd open the incubator and let some of the humidity out and lower the temperature by 5 degrees or so. And I'd move the healthy chicks to a brooder. The opening and closing of the mouth is normal for chicks still absorbing the yolk, but doesn't sound right to me if it's a chick already hatched.
I would definitely NOT open the incubator to get the moisture out and lower the temperature!! Wet chickens need to be dry for a reason + the chicken what is still hatching could be shrink wrapped instantly. Chicks can do good for 48 hours and are prepared by mother nature to survive on the food from the eggs. Dont panic, give it another 12 hours and keep an eye on the venting. This is not that strange. If your temps are around 99.5 and your humidity sensor is ok and not above 85% you and they will do fine.
Chicks are tougher than you think!
I had 12 eggs in incubator from a fairly rare breed here in the US. On day 14 11 out of the 12 seemed to be developed. However, because of the rare breed I left the 12th in.
We did everything we could to manage the humidity and temperature, and ofcourse everything seemed to be going off the normal path. First off all we caught the mailman throwing the box with eggs from a 5 feet distance on the porch. (box was labeled perfectly with EGGS, Live Embryos, etc) The eggs were 3 days longer on the way than the 2 day delivery time supposed to be. When in incubator we got 2x a power interruption. 1x due to lightning and power was off for 2.5 hours. For some reason we couldn't manage the humidity very well, either hours and hours on 30-35% or 70-72% due to very dry freezing air. In the beginning the temp was 100 - 101 (after second week we got it fine tuned to 99.5) We used our most solid incubator (sportsman) we used in 2 years before this season. As you see; Totally not the perfect setting.

Now past saturday we had our first egg pipping on day 19, and came out this morning on day 21. In the meanwhile 9 of the 12 hatched over the last 12 hours and 2 others are pipped. Because the one who started pipping on saturday, hatched this morning, is dry and very strong compared to the others, and normally ready to go in brooder.
What shall I do? Take some out with the chance that the other 2 are getting s.wrapped? I also do not want to lose the ones I have. We never (!!) expected after everything such an amazing result!!
I know they can be in the incubator for 24 hours, and the others are still wet but it is so tempting to get them out, give the some gell and have them safe....
I'm a little bit more anxious because the breed and money I spend for them...

What to do, please advice!

I open my incubator 1,500 times during hatch to take chicks out.
I most definitely would remove the chicks if they've been in the incubator for 2 days.
I open my incubator 1,500 times during hatch to take chicks out.
I most definitely would remove the chicks if they've been in the incubator for 2 days.
I agree. I have an older sportsman I have had for many years. I don't hatch in it but do incubate in it. I use my old styrofoam incubators as hatchers. Never give up. I usually mark (X) the eggs I think may be quitters. I have had some of the quitters hatch. Good luck and enjoy your hatching TV...
How did it go....?
REALLY regret doing it! I moved them over to the brooder this morning besides 4 (and the 1 still hatching), all in the brooder but 1 are dead... (that's minus 5 now)
The temp is right in brooder, all conditions like normal.
The ones I left in incubator are alive and kicking like crazy. The last one in the egg came out and is doing now also great. I'm lowering the humidity now so they can dry better and I will move them over tomorrow morning. See if they do better. You were right. Thanks for the info. I learned a (very expensive) lesson: Never give up on your chicks, they are tougher than we/I think...
But I still have 6 left over (instead off 9....)

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