Pikelet the spaniel with dog adhd (hyperkinesis)

By normally I meant she still is struggling to properly rest, pacing, moving frantically and everything else she does but she is laying down more and pacing/moving slower then before

poor Fanta is in season as well, she has lost her bounce šŸ˜…
Ive heard if you have more than one female then they will go into heat at the same time. Denver acts like a puppy thats to tired to do anything during her heat.
Denver is headed into her 4th or is it 5th now.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€
Ive heard if you have more than one female then they will go into heat at the same time.
Fanta and Pikelet have but I donā€™t think Twiggy has šŸ¤”I wonder if over time they will all end up coming into season at the same time

Denver acts like a puppy thats to tired to do anything during her heat.
Denver is headed into her 4th or is it 5th now.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€
Fanta seems to be less motivated and less focused but still wants to do things. Twiggy gets very tired but she isnā€™t a high energy or very motivated dog anyway šŸ˜† Pikelet hasnā€™t changed much except for slowing down a bit
Yeah probably, I was reading it'd happen between 5-7 months fir pyrs on some sites but she just turned 7 months so she's got time I guess
Twiggy and Fanta got their first at over a year old and I am expecting Pepsi to as well, so I would worry about it! Some breeds can take really long! 5-7 months for a large breed of dog sounds early to me but I donā€™t really know anything about Pyrs

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