Eva’s Friends

Good morning y'all! I noticed you always write in at 5 AM, you see :).

Not much going on here. Jenny is on Day 13, still going strong. She scared me for a bad minute 'cause she got off the nest for a whole half hour. But I read that a hen can get off for up to an hour. She is sitting on six eggs, not five, and two are definitely developing (I took the opportunity to candle them while she was gone). I don't know about the others so I'm leaving them there just in case.

Matilda also decided to sit on a couple duck eggs, but I don't trust her. She failed me once, might do it again.

The chickies are almost eleven weeks old. They still have not got to free range. I feel bad for them but it's in their best interest at the moment.

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Eva and Annie Beth
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A white rose
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Hilda and Winnie look like two ladies out for a walk, don't they?
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I hope Jenny hangs in there and has to chicks to show for her efforts. Hilda and Winnie look like they're having a great time walking & talking :)
Your photos never disappoint!

Is Matt still in the basement?

BTW, seeing at the names of your young ones reminded me of the three Smith sisters I knew when I was a kid; they were named Faith, Hope and -- Diane! Don't know why their folks didn't finish with Charity!?!
Your photos never disappoint!

Is Matt still in the basement?

BTW, seeing at the names of your young ones reminded me of the three Smith sisters I knew when I was a kid; they were named Faith, Hope and -- Diane! Don't know why their folks didn't finish with Charity!?!
No clue!

Both Matt and Helen are back outside and doing well :).
Hello! It's beautiful outside here on in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains on the Eastern Seaboard by the Chesapeake Bay. Next time someone asks me where I live that's what I'm going to tell them :p.

Matilda is still sitting, I think it's been a week. So I'm hoping...

I'm thinking Winnie has decided to go broody as well! She sat on her nest all day today. She and Matilda are sharing the same nest. What have I got myself into?!

Jenny has about six days left. The time has flown by! Of course, I've been occupied with school. Which, speaking of school, I think I told you all that I am taking three classes right now, one of which is a two-week-class that was supposed to be very intense. It is, in fact, literally the easiest class I have ever had.

I hurt my knee running the other day. I felt good, decided to meet my goal of 1.5 mile run (which I did, and under the time limit by 20 seconds) but I haven't run for awhile so I got runner's knee. It hurts to walk. So I've been having to elevate and ice it, and I really didn't get any pictures.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the ones I do have :):

Viv squaring off to Eva; this bird is going to be the next Boss!

Gentle, skittish Winnie came running out hissing at me!!

Winnie and Matilda on the nest; this was taken before the above picture.

Family of Canadian geese enjoying our yard with the ducks

Hilda cooling off

Random Picture: Statue of Senator John R Hale at the New Hampshire Capitol. He got a law passed that abolished flogging in the Navy.
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Good deal on the class! And, sorry about your knee.

Viv looks quite confident that she can dominate Eva -- and possibly the rest of the world.

Winne's photo made me chuckle. I've seen the coming-off-the-nest-hissy-face many times!

Golly is my American Buff goose with attitude; Gussie is her sweet sister. Golly has been broody recently, and hisses at me if I even think of coming close to the nest. Ah, until dinner time. Then Golly abandons any concern for motherhood and dashes to the food dish.

Gussie, on the other hand, clearly misses time with her sister; they're usually inseparable and neither one cares about hanging out me. But now, if I'm knelt down in the yard, I often feel gentle little Gussie goose nibbles at my clothing and boots until I pay attention to her.

Nice description of your "homeland." It's been many years since I've seen the Chesapeake Bay.
Good deal on the class! And, sorry about your knee.

Viv looks quite confident that she can dominate Eva -- and possibly the rest of the world.

Winne's photo made me chuckle. I've seen the coming-off-the-nest-hissy-face many times!

Golly is my American Buff goose with attitude; Gussie is her sweet sister. Golly has been broody recently, and hisses at me if I even think of coming close to the nest. Ah, until dinner time. Then Golly abandons any concern for motherhood and dashes to the food dish.

Gussie, on the other hand, clearly misses time with her sister; they're usually inseparable and neither one cares about hanging out me. But now, if I'm knelt down in the yard, I often feel gentle little Gussie goose nibbles at my clothing and boots until I pay attention to her.

Nice description of your "homeland." It's been many years since I've seen the Chesapeake Bay.
Golly is hilarious!
I wish my geese were like Gussie - they all want to eat me alive!
@Evadig hope your knee is feeling better today. That's great about the class...you don't have long to go until you're all done, right?
Twelve weeks left!:woot

Thank you both for your concern about my knee. It has already improved a bit :).
It's thunderstorming here. The frogs are going crazy. I really don't have anything to say. It was a bad week - I just lacked the mental ability to do anything.

I've got bad news in addition to that, though. Helen was killed by a predator on Friday. The first victim ever. I was walking the dogs through the back woods when I came across feathers everywhere. I knew she was dead, then, but I ran down to the yard to look for her anyway. No, she wasn't there. We found her body pulled up against the fence. I buried her in my duck pond - they won't be using it for a while anyway. Everyone is in lockdown. That night my sister saw a raccoon by the front door of the Muddy Run. Last evening I saw a fox headed toward the house to scope the place out. The day before Helen died we saw a snapper headed for the big pond. My mom killed it with a sledgehammer.

I can't quite believe Helen's gone. Like, when I go out to the Muddy Run I don't miss her, nothing seems amiss, but then sometimes I think about her and then I realize she's dead. Matilda doesn't know it. She's brooding duck eggs with Winnie.

Sorry for ruining your night/morning...the only good news is, I broke out of the apathy that ruined my week, and Jenny is due to hatch Tuesday. I can't wait!

I don’t have any pictures, either…see y’all Wednesday!

Rest in Peace, Helen​

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