Parakeets/ Budgies Girl or Boy?


Apr 18, 2021
Hii, so Ive been having my Budgie for around almost 4 months now, at the pet store they told me he was a guy so I named him Kai. Can someone confirm that he’s actually a guy, and can anyone tell how old he might be? I also bought another bird yesterday but i have no idea about what its gender could be. Can someone let me know its gender and an estimate of its age? Thank you! Here are the pictures:

Kai is the blue one (I know hes older due to his eyes that are no longer fully black) and the green one is the one I barely bought yesterday!


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They are both boys. You can tell by their nose color. Boys are blue. Girls are flesh/pinky/orangey. Age I'm unsure.
Beautiful birds! The green one is male. It looks like Kai's cere is turning blue which indicates a male. If his cere is actually turning white, then he is a she.

The green one still has bars on his cap (meaning he has yet to molt) so I'd guess he is 3-4 months old. Kai looks to be about 6-8 months old.
Beautiful birds! The green one is male. It looks like Kai's cere is turning blue which indicates a male. If his cere is actually turning white, then he is a she.

The green one still has bars on his cap (meaning he has yet to molt) so I'd guess he is 3-4 months old. Kai looks to be about 6-8 months old.
Ahhh ok ok, thank you so much!
Yes everyone is right they are both boys but you have to be careful with that because they could start fighting I would keep them in separate cages .
Two cages is not necessary. Budgies in general rarely fight, though the may squabble a bit over little things. Male budgies usually get along great together without issue. Judging by the photos, the two are already getting along.
Yes everyone is right they are both boys but you have to be careful with that because they could start fighting I would keep them in separate cages .
I just bought 2 more! I bought another boy and another girl. I already ordered a bigger cage on amazon too. I’ll have it by Monday/ Tuesday. Will that be a problem? 3 boys and 1 girl?

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