Pale Beak!!! Help!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011

My new indian runner Lilly has very little color in her beak. Is that normal?

I got her when she was already a few weeks old and she was living in a pin with no sun and probably no fresh veggies


Compare her to my Rosie who is only a three weeks older and poor Lilly really looks sad!!


Should I be feeding her more veggie, what Vitamin might Lilly need to get her coloring looking normal??

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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You have pretty ducklings there I would give them lots of veggies, ducks LOVE peas, but if yours are not used to them it might take a day or two but they will eat them. Mine also love tomatoes and lettuce and grapes, pears and melon. I also put vitamins in their water. You can get a little $1 pack from TSC called save a chick and add it to 1 gal of has lots of viatamins and stuff in i that they need. Good Luck, you have beauties there
THANKS FOR the information! I am new to the wonderful world of Ducks so I need all the help I can get! I'm hoping with time and love, Lilly warms up, right now she is super skiddish and scared all of the time, poor baby!

I bought her when she was already a few weeks old so I dont know if she will ever bond with me like my older Rosie did.

Any thoughts???
Peas might help the bonding process. Since Rosie will approach you to take them, I would bet Lily catches on pretty quickly.

She does look pale though. I don't know much about duck conditions. If you don't get a lot of responses rename your thread something
about "Pale Beak , Help?!?"
Great ideas! I renamed the thread and I will try the pees. They both love grapes as well so I'll mix it up!
A pale beak is not necessarily an indication of illhealth or something to be concerned about. Genetics can play a part in the beak colour of a bird- and in many cases a baby will hatch with the orange bill- it will turn pink for a while then change back to the more vibrant orange again as they continue to grow. I have seen this often in my pekin ducks. The bloodline or breeding behind the bird may be playing a part in this colouration. Sunlight and good nutrition is just part of raising a healthy bird - but you cant alter what may already carry genetically.
THANKS FOR the information! I am new to the wonderful world of Ducks so I need all the help I can get! I'm hoping with time and love, Lilly warms up, right now she is super skiddish and scared all of the time, poor baby!

I bought her when she was already a few weeks old so I dont know if she will ever bond with me like my older Rosie did.

Any thoughts???
The fact that you are taking the time to learn says a lot about you!! With the treats (veggies n mealworms) your baby will learn to love you in no time and not be so skiddish. Calm and relaxed around them too, they are ducks after all and run at the sight of a butterfly sometimes! Haha good luck! I too have one healthy runner w a lighter shaded beak, which is what brought me here in the first place! Lol we learn and encourage together :)

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