Our Barred Rock 'hen' just started crowing this morning.... uh oh.

Yeah, a roo such a pitty
when i was taking the pictures a few minutes ago... i was laughing at what a total ROOSTER he is.... we have been in denial for sure....
OK, long shot here... my Wife is so attached to our roo she is making me ask this on the forum....obviously we had a roo in our coop & didn't even know it, so, that should give you an idea of our chicken smarts.
is there ANY way to both silence & neuter a Rooster [without turning him into dinner]... i'm envisioning a vet laughing in our face, but i promised i'd ask.
a little muzzle & chastity belt perhaps?
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Yeah, you can Caponize (Nuetur) roosters, but it is Risky (60% chance of death) and Capons don't live as long... But you can give it a Shot! (NOT for squeamish people)
Actuallly there is a way of neutering roos, it's called caponizing and if it were done, he would be called a capon instead of a rooster. I think it is mostly done at yound age for birds who are intended to be butchered to give them more time to fill out, with out getting hormones as they mature and making the meat tougher.

As far as silencing, I would imagine that would be possilbe too, but seriously, do you all really like him that much?

Edit: Black bird posted while I was typeing
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...no, we don't need Rocky that bad i guess.
Caponizing kinda defeats the purpose of having happy, natural, free-range organic birds, anyways.
hopefully we'll find him a home.

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