Oleroo- Elderoo... one and the same!


Poultry Crank
12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Leesville, SC
Hey all, remember me? Is this the same bunch from the other BYC forum?

Just wanted to say hi. Hi!
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Hi there! Haven't seen you in a while! I was BeckyFl but I finally got moved!

As for your question, yes and no. Many of us are from the ezboard forum but there are lots of newbies here too! Hope you'll stick around for a while. You got chickens?

HI, I remember seeing your posts. I was a newbie & had just signed on back in August as Momma Hen. Since then I have (thru trial & error) lost my 1st flock of Buff Orps to predators. Started over with white Leghorns, who just started laying for me this January. And I have BR, RIR, EE, BO, Dominikers & adding new breeds this Spring. And just just picked up our 1st egg customer today! Life is good with chickens!

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