Gold Buff Orphington same as Buff Orphington?


Sep 29, 2023
Hey y'all!

I went to our local feed n seed today, and bought what the store told me was a "Gold Buff Orphington"chick.

I am wanting to know is a gold buff orphington the same thing as a buff orphington? Is there a difference, or is it just another name for a buff orphington?

Thank you!

Smith's Coop Chicken Moma
Orpington is the correct way to spell the breed. If it was spelled Orphington/Orfington/Orphlington or any of the other silly ways people spell it, it is a typo. You can be assured they are hatchery-quality Buff Orpingtons.
Thank you for the information, but my spelling wasn't what my question was. I happen to be a very good speller, but if you don't know, you don't know. If I've only ever seen "Orphington", how would I know any different?🤷‍♀️ So, going by your response "If it was spelled Orphington/Orfington/Orphlington or any of the other silly ways people spell it, it is a typo. You can be assured they are hatchery-quality Buff Orpingtons", are you implying that the feed n seed store had poor quality chicks if someone SPELLED it wrong? This had nothing to do with my question. Appreciate the input, but still my question wasn't answered.
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Thank you for the information, but my spelling wasn't what my question was. I happen to be a very good speller, but if you don't know, you don't know. If I've only ever seen "Orphington", how would I know any different?🤷‍♀️ So, going by your response "If it was spelled Orphington/Orfington/Orphlington or any of the other silly ways people spell it, it is a typo. You can be assured they are hatchery-quality Buff Orpingtons", are you implying that the feed n seed store had poor quality chicks if someone SPELLED it wrong? This had nothing to do with my question. Appreciate the input, but still my question wasn't answered.
If they are at a feed store they are hatchery quality. That only means they are bred for production and not for show. They will have flaws and generally not be up the the quality of a private breeder that adheres to the APA SOP of the breed and there for culls heavily in order to maintain that standard.

They are not bad or inferior chickens for a backyard or for pets. They how ever are not show birds and are only a general representation of the breed.
If they are at a feed store they are hatchery quality. That only means they are bred for production and not for show. They will have flaws and generally not be up the the quality of a private breeder that adheres to the APA SOP of the breed and there for culls heavily in order to maintain that standard.

They are not bad or inferior chickens for a backyard or for pets. They how ever are not show birds and are only a general representation of the breed.
I understand that, but again, that doesn't really answer my question. My question was asking was a Gold Buff Orpington the same thing as a Buff Orpington. I know people have many different names for breeds and varieties of the breed. That's what I was needing to know. Is a gold buff orpington the same as a buff orpington or is it a variety of the buff orpington?
I understand that, but again, that doesn't really answer my question. My question was asking was a Gold Buff Orpington the same thing as a Buff Orpington. I know people have many different names for breeds and varieties of the breed. That's what I was needing to know. Is a gold buff orpington the same as a buff orpington or is it a variety of the buff orpington?
Your question has been answered, it's just not being answered with simple yes or no, like you're expecting.
'Gold buff' is just production strain of buff orpington. Like people have said, they're orps, just for eggs. They're bred to lay more than your average orp, who are not known for laying abilities.

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