
Apr 16, 2021
I have two hens getting into their golden years (they turn eight next month!) and four hens who are still active layers.

One of my older ladies I am fairly certain only lays once every few months. My other is a Sumatra, and she will still lay every day for a week, go broody, then stop laying for a few weeks before repeating the cycle (I love her so much, but damn that hen just wants to hatch babies lol).

Right now I have them all on layer feed, with free-offer crushed oyster shells, and they also free range all day, so their layer feed isn't the only option they have by far (in early spring and fall they tend to not each much of it, it's during the winter that it's their main food source).

My question is: given my situation, as my older hens stop laying more and more, should I switch to a flock feed in order to avoid too much calcium? Or keep them all on layer, as it is not their sole food source?

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