***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hey Okies I have a question. Anybody make their storm shelter double as a root cellar? I’m growing potatoes this year as well as some other stuff. We put this in a couple of years ago and have been lucky that we haven’t had to use it for it’s intended purpose. I got to wondering if I could use a small area to store potatoes, squash, etc


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Hey Okies I have a question. Anybody make their storm shelter double as a root cellar? I’m growing potatoes this year as well as some other stuff. We put this in a couple of years ago and have been lucky that we haven’t had to use it for it’s intended purpose. I got to wondering if I could use a small area to store potatoes, squash, etc
i don't see why not, as a kid in california we used a bomb shelter for storage of canned goods lol that dates me lol
Hey Okies I have a question. Anybody make their storm shelter double as a root cellar? I’m growing potatoes this year as well as some other stuff. We put this in a couple of years ago and have been lucky that we haven’t had to use it for it’s intended purpose. I got to wondering if I could use a small area to store potatoes, squash, etc
We stored potatoes and onions in the cellar when I was growing up in Eastern Oklahoma.
Good to see you back!!
wish summer would go away lol doing good, lots of elder chickens, what all do you have?
I’ve been trying to not go too bird crazy. Lol
My daughter and I bought 4 straight run bantams 2 black silkies, 1 buff Brahma and one I think might be a silver laced Cochin and 4 Pekin ducklings. They are about 6/7 weeks. I think only one of the silkies is a hen, could be wrong but behaviors are looking like to many Roos. I might have had the same luck with the ducks too.:idunno🤦‍♀️

So then I had another relapse when we went to get more feed and got 3 more silkies (2 possibly white and another black) and 4 more ducklings but I’m still trying to figure out what breeds we got. They are possibly 2 Blue Swedish (but they look like they’d be black) and possibly 2 Buff Orpingtons.
What a day. Just removed 2 big rat snakes from the coop. No wonder my girls are trying to lay in the flower beds! Got 19 babies from Meyer Hatchery on Wednesday. Lots of little blue and lavender butts. I may needs some help with breeds later.

Right now I’m really concerned about the tiny salmon favorelle they sent. She’s half the size of the others and is not as active. Her little crop seems empty though she did eat and drink when we got her out of the shipping box. I’ve been giving her sugar water today to try to get her to perk up. She is not a bantam. Meyer doesn’t have that breed as a bantam. For now, I’m letting her stay under the heat cave with the others. She seems stressed when alone. My daughter is already attached and we don’t want to lose her, but I told her there is probably a reason she is so tiny. Many of you are more experienced chicken nurses than I am. @NanaKat, @artsyrobin any advice?
@NanaKat sounds like quite a undertaking! So you found a place to take the animals or going back and forth?
Running back and forth. Still haven't had a contractor in yet.

Is it just me or do white hens get picked off more easily by predators? I've lost 2 white ones in the last couple of months before dusk while they were out free ranging. I need some replacement pullets. Anybody have some near Cleveland County? Not white LOL! I'd love some olive or Easter eggers.
My Columbian Wyandotte are white with black lacing.
Crossed fingers, haven't lost any to Hawks or owls this year. Covered the breeder pens with shade cloth on top of 2x4 wire.

ok guys, i lost a sweet hen today to a snake, i need ways to keep them out, she was a broody i was trying to break, and had no eggs. The coop has to be open during the day, its a metal coop, hot as heck in the summer- snake repellents? every year its a problem, but this is the first time i lost a hen to one, i need ideas? I tried minnow traps last year, didn't work- this guy was big, so a small trap won't work
So sorry about your hen. I have started checking pens and on the free ranging birds several times a day.
I hate snakes!
My go to tool is limb lopers. Found this on eating eggs in one of the breeder pens.
image.jpeg .

I am in Shawnee Oklahoma and in need of some khaki campbell ducklings. preferably 0-15 weeks old. Thank you
Welcome! I'm in Meeker north of Shawnee. No ducks now except for Daisy a Cayuga/Pekin cross.

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