Ok, I am new and my husband thinks I am crazy!

Welcome to the addiction, and be prepared!

When we wanted to have chickens last fall, we wanted six.

We now have 41
and we shoulda built a bigger hen house.
Welcome to the "just five more won't hurt" club! We started out with 10 and have moved to 20 within 3 weeks. Does that begin to say anything? That and the fact that my 14 year old daughter informed us this weekend that the chickens were getting more things than she was? Trying to explain that she already has a roof over her head did nothing to apease the typical 14 year old selfish mind...ROFL Could it be the fact that when we go to Farm King, the first place we beeline to is where the chicks are, or else the isle that has all the food, feeding equipment, books etc. Lowe's has become our best friend and I'm starting to wonder if they have something to the likes of a "frequent flyer miles" for peeps like us.

The last 4 weekends have been spent building the coop and run. We will sit at night after my hubby gets home from work and discuss the floor plans and any possible problems. He draws up plans and informs our 16 year old son what all we are going to get accomplished during the next weekend.
Our 12 year old daughter has decided that feeding and watering the chickens is her "chore....just like Laura on Little House on the Prairie."

Once again, welcome to an addiction that will only be as expensive as what you dream it to be. This is one of the best addictions that I've been a part of. Withdrawls would probably be devestating. Have fun!
My 9 year old daughter decided without letting me know that she has been filling the bator up with our hens eggs, so I have no idea when they all will hatch, so even for the kids its a great thing. 2 of my kids have ADHD and the chickens are great for them....it seems to calm them down more than the medicine does...so chickens have their own qualities that are good for more than just keeping the eggs coming for food. Welcome to the party and enjoy all that your chicks can do for you!
They are indeed wonderful featherd friends!!! I got mine back in March, now I have moved them to a coop. I was always checking on them, talking to them and spending all my free time with them. I have become totally obsessed!!!! They actually follow me around the yard too. - This is the best chicken site I have found too!!!!!

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