Ok, I am new and my husband thinks I am crazy!

Chickens are really addicting...I drool over the catalogs and the hatching pics, but I have more will power than the rest of this bunch.

That and a hubby that'll kick me to the curb if I get anymore...

My son got to name my first two and my second two and I got to name the latest addition, finally!!! I've named a few BYC'ers babies too...
If you show keep the name, tell the judge "my husband said if they dont win, he will see they live up to their names!" ( a tear at this point and a little sniffle from one of the kids would be good) go for a sympathy vote:p
We have one named "Pot Pie" and she is everyone's favorite chick. She turned out to be the nicest personality and neatest looking of the bunch. Noone else has food-joke names... but we did consider naming one "Noodle Soup" and then decided it was too cumbersome to say.

I love my chicken, Pot Pie!

omg love the names mind if i steal a few? i have 8 and only 1 has a name "spike" well and pinky she was dyed pink it kinda stuck funny how names do that huh? i had a puppy i got for my son follow me to the mailbox and i said getback lil schit and my son said it so i named her lil bit lol poor dog she was a great pyrenese/bluetick mix lol welcome to the world of chicken mommies and daddies
I have to giggle b/c my hubby fails to understand how chickens can be so enticing & aside from joshing me about them or for always gawking at this website- he really is supportive. Hasn't complained yet that we started with 13 chicks & have since grown to a flock of 30+......hmmm, wonder how many more I can acquire before he starts yapping about cost of feed! heehee
I've only got 8 and my husband thinks it's too many!!! He's a big softy, though, so I think I'll bring a few more home this week. I'm sure he'll get over it eventually!! After all, he is the man who had made it very clear many times that we were not getting any more dogs (already had 3). One day my daughter found some abandoned puppies at the local High School and, after a couple of days of stewing, my husband decided all on his own that we should keep them!

He also admitted the other day that he likes having the chickens around the yard and that he loves the eggs!!!

Guess it's time to build a bigger coop!!!!!

This is the best addiction ever!!!!!

I have to agree with another member, your hubby sounds like he has named dinners to come, so better get then raised and breeding so he can eat the next generation of chickens.
Welcome Janet
My husband and I had a good laugh over your husband's names for the chickens. My dh says to tell you that once he bought us a calf and named it BabySteaks...does that tell you what your husband has in mind?
Now that was a good read.
My husband did the same thing on the first day we got them! He said it was just in case they turned out to be roosters. "Finger Likin'" was my favorite!

By the end of day one he already changed his mind and started calling them "sally" "lou" etc. We are SO in love with our Chickens!

Happy Chicken Mama (& Papa)

ps. My Husband thought I was 'coo coo for coco puffs' for wanting chickens but now we are so happy with them. He is a builder and within three days built them the 'taj mahal' of Chicken Coops... big enough for like a million chickens.

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