Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

How do you name your pet chickens?

  • We donā€™t name our chickens!

    Votes: 33 6.9%
  • We let the kids name them.

    Votes: 79 16.5%
  • We give them old-fashioned names (Flora, Prissy, Hazel, etc.).

    Votes: 84 17.6%
  • We start their names with the same letter (Bailey, Barb, Beatrice, etc.).

    Votes: 13 2.7%
  • We name them by personality (Sassy, Gabby, Bossy, etc.).

    Votes: 116 24.3%
  • We name them after food (Peanut, Nugget, etc.).

    Votes: 83 17.4%
  • We donā€™t have a special system.

    Votes: 166 34.7%
  • We name them by appearance (Red, Fluffy, Lavender, etc.).

    Votes: 153 32.0%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 157 32.8%

  • Total voters
No particular system, I just kinda think of cute namesā€¦ Luna, Rose, Apricot, Pepper, Cinnamon, Dixie, Oreo, Jasmine, Cheerio, Bella, and my sweet Hattie. When I walk over to the coop I call ā€œCHEEEEEKEEEENSā€ and they all come running in hopes for treats haha
I name mine with either a name Iā€™ve liked for a while or something that relates to them. For example my 3/4 Australorp is called Kerri, simply cause I like the name. My Plymouth Barred Rock is named Alana, because it means little rock and a family member has a similar name and they come from Plymouth! Some names also come from their appearance or personality, my Light Sussex is called Everest because of the black mountain shape on her neck :). My flighty Silver Laced Wyandotte is called Pheonix because sheā€™s not that tame šŸ˜‚. all in all my 7 chooks seem to suit their names šŸ˜†
I tend to use a central theme to name each group some named after food, some after movie/historical characters and some just have random names based on personality or appearance
Each small hatching gets a themed set of names, based on ... well ... whatever strikes our fancy at the time. We've had seasons - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. We've had Harry Potter names. The two remaining hens from that batch are "GinnyRon," because we didn't know if she was a he or a she, just that s/he was a redhead, so we used both, and Siri - short for Sirius Black. We've had M*A*S*H names - still have Hot Lips, Kelly and The Colonel (Potter.) Then there was the lone surviving youngster from the Star Wars bunch ... Hen Solo. We've had cartoons - Yosemite Sam was my favorite. So, we've been all over the proverbial naming map. The best part is that all of them know their names and come (or at least pop their heads up to make sure they're not missing anything important) when called. Everybody comes running when I call "Peepers." That's what we call all of the babies before they get "real names" and we still use it at feeding time.
As I love to read, and a system makes choosing names easier (so many great names, it can be hard), I have named all my chickens after authors I like. Harper Lee, Nevada Barr, Louise Penny, Mary Shelly, and Agatha Christie (RIP), Amy Tan (RIP).
It is extremely rewarding to name your chickens, transforming them from just egg-laying machines to house pets.

Despite the fact that there is no shortage of human names, you might want to give your chickens a more creative name. As with people, each chicken has their own unique personality. Chickens also have fine memories. Whenever you call out their names, they will come running, particularly if it is because food is in sight.

So we would like to find out: How do you name your pet chickens?

Place your vote above, and please elaborate in a reply below if you chose "Other". And feel free to share your chickens' names with us as well.

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We don't name our chickens, they name themselves!

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