Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

How do you name your pet chickens?

  • We don’t name our chickens!

    Votes: 33 6.9%
  • We let the kids name them.

    Votes: 79 16.5%
  • We give them old-fashioned names (Flora, Prissy, Hazel, etc.).

    Votes: 84 17.5%
  • We start their names with the same letter (Bailey, Barb, Beatrice, etc.).

    Votes: 13 2.7%
  • We name them by personality (Sassy, Gabby, Bossy, etc.).

    Votes: 116 24.2%
  • We name them after food (Peanut, Nugget, etc.).

    Votes: 83 17.3%
  • We don’t have a special system.

    Votes: 167 34.9%
  • We name them by appearance (Red, Fluffy, Lavender, etc.).

    Votes: 153 31.9%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 157 32.8%

  • Total voters
All are named after the same color food as they are as babies. Except one, bob Ross because of her afro😂


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It is extremely rewarding to name your chickens, transforming them from just egg-laying machines to house pets.

Despite the fact that there is no shortage of human names, you might want to give your chickens a more creative name. As with people, each chicken has their own unique personality. Chickens also have fine memories. Whenever you call out their names, they will come running, particularly if it is because food is in sight.

So we would like to find out: How do you name your pet chickens?

Place your vote above, and please elaborate in a reply below if you chose "Other". And feel free to share your chickens' names with us as well.

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For me it's completely random, whatever pops into my head and hope it sticks 😂
a lot of ours are based on their looks/colors (which often backfires because they tend to change coloring a lot between chick years and adult years), some personality-based names, some that just popped into our heads
I started more or less with names from Sesame street (Ini mini, Pino, Zoë, Tommy, etc. ) and the muppet show (Cookie or Koekie in Dutch, Oscar, Janice, Kermit,…) .
... But getting 2 identical black chicks. I named these two Black Pearl. After a molt I could distinguish them. The complete black is called Black now and the one with rusty feathers in her neck is Pearl.

Last hatch I got 3 chicks. My son named them Kwik, Kwak and Kwek, the Dutch names for Donald Ducks nephews. Kwik was a cockerel and left for a new adventure. Two turned out to be female , one became Kwekky, the other pullet is not bold enough to be called Kwak and Kwakky is a peculiar name (kwakkie means sperm in popular Dutch). This is why I renamed her into Katrientje, the name of Donalds girlfriend.
I used old fashioned names that were special to me: Mattie & Mitzi (barred rocks), Mercy, Metta, & Millie (sapphire gems). Mattie (named after a sweet elderly lady I took care of) is the boss and then there is Ditsy after my grandmother's dog. Mercy got her name because she survived a hawk attack. Metta means loving kindness and Millie was the name of both of my husband's grandmothers.
Beautiful beautiful beautiful 🐓❤️
My 6 GLW girls had the name ‘Girls’ until something popped into my head usually by how they look! Only one chicken has a single comb so i named her rose, like rose comb to be silly. I call her rosie doo.
Copper top has the most gold on her head and reminded me of coppertop batteries, lol. I call her Top.
Patient was named after she became a real patient needing to be nursed back to health after a ripped comb incident.
Big is my biggest gal.
The last 2 are both called Chicken wing. I cant quit tell them apart!! I feel horrible about that but maybe this spring something will stand out personality wise to distinguish. Lol. They make me giggle. 🐓❤️
We name them alphabetically, A is Miss Alice, B is Bella, C is Cassie. D is DarLENE (she's the Boss), D is Darby (needed two D names!), E is Effie, F is Fifi, G is Georgette, Which chickens get what name? Depends on their size, etc. Bella is indeed the most Beautiful. Georgette is small and fast (the four Wyandottes were called our little "jets" as they were such Quick chickies. I couldn't come up with four other "jet" names that seemed to fit though!

They get their name and a colored leg band when they lay their first egg and I try to match the band with the name. ie. Bella is blue leg band. Georgette is green leg band but that doesn't always work due to lack of leg band colors. At the moment I have one wyandottes that haven't laid yet.

Would you help me name the last two Wyandottes that laid their first egg? She has a purple or lavender leg band and her letter is H. What name starts with the letter H and reminds you of purple or lavender? The last one which hasn't laid yet, will get a yellow leg band and the letter J. What name starts with the letter J and reminds you of yellow?

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