Official BYC Poll: Do Your Chickens Go Inside Their Coop When It Snows?

Do Your Chickens Go Inside Their Coop When It Snows?

  • My chickens are tough--they stay out no matter what!

    Votes: 7 3.0%
  • Some birds go in, while others prefer to stay out

    Votes: 71 30.6%
  • They prefer to stay outside, under cover

    Votes: 54 23.3%
  • They only go inside when it's snowing really hard

    Votes: 37 15.9%
  • My fair-weather flock returns to the coop

    Votes: 57 24.6%
  • It doesn't snow where I'm located

    Votes: 37 15.9%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 31 13.4%

  • Total voters
It's only snpwed once while I've had chickens. And I only had 2, one of which was broody. The other girl went out to have a look, but she was very confused.
Mine are wimps even though they live in snow country. They won’t set foot on snow or come out the first day after it snows. Their run is partially covered, but some snow still blows in in some areas. After each snow storm, I knock the snow off the cover and shovel whatever falls down out of the way, then I cover the ground with dry leaves (which I bag and collect in the fall). Then the chickens come out and spend the whole day outside, and come back out on their own the following day and thereafter until the next storm, when the exercise is repeated. They don’t like the snow, but they don’t like being stuck in the coop either. They’d much rather be out. So I do this prep for them, and they are happy.

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Mine are wimps even though they live in snow country. They won’t set foot on snow or come out the first day after it snows. Their run is partially covered, but some snow still blows in in some areas. After each snow storm, I knock the snow off the cover and shovel whatever falls down out of the way, then I cover the ground with dry leaves (which I bag and collect in the fall). Then the chickens come out and spend the whole day outside, and come back out on their own the following day and thereafter until the next storm, when the exercise is repeated. They don’t like the snow, but they don’t like being stuck in the coop either. They’d much rather be out. So I do this prep for them, and they are happy.

View attachment 2954443
They are stunning! What breeds are they? 😍
Edit: I'm guessing Cochins, barnevelders, Orps and Wyandottes?
When mine see flurries they'll play & peck at them & most won't be bothered. If it snows more, landing on them & covering the ground, they'll go into the coop, Roos will herd hens in then guard the chicken door...too funny. I try to put them inside ahead of bad weather forecasts, like if we have 4 hours of rain or snow coming, no sense in them being out in a mess. There are some covered perches outside, so it seems to be the same 8 chickens that like to stay out & I will have to put them in the coop at dusk...summer is fine out there but not winter..20 degrees at night is not good to stay out, especially in the wind. I have 20 young chickens, 4 mos old, & they Always want to be out, so playful still, but they listen when I tell them to go in. My senior chickens only come out if the sun is shining so they rule the coop & the others respect them. They all have unique personalities. ❤ 20220107_160911.jpg 20220107_160121.jpg
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