Odd's Rescued Pasty Babies - Round 2!!

“I am NOT your mother. Get off of me!”View attachment 3056816
I got her auntie! But beware, she’s a weirdo...
Some of you might remember that last year, I had chicks. Specifically, chicks from Wilco. More specifically, chicks from Wilco with pasty butt.
What happened was....we stopped to pick up feed at Wilco, which we don't usually do. But when I walked in, I saw those chick tubs. And I saw pasty butt babies who weren't being treated. So what did I do?
I took four of them home, raised them to about 4 weeks old, and then gave them away. Two went to a neighbor, and two went to BYC's very own @EmmaRainboe.

Well, I've gone and done it again.
I've got six new babies, all who had pasty butt.
The chicks all varied in severity, but they were all cases who would've struggled to stay alive if left untreated. I started treating them the moment we got home. They've got clear butts now and are being fed supplemental coconut oil to prevent constipation.

Little Miss Ophelia and Little Miss Phoenix have have had the worst time of it - Ophelia is very weak, and Phoenix screams every time she poops. I mean SCREAMS. Hurts to hear it. I'm hoping they both improve.
I've made a yummy nutritional boost for them - egg yolk, water, chicken electrolytes and vitamins + NutriDrench all mixed/dissolved. They take it very willingly from a dropper, and have all perked up a bit.

Well, here they are!

This is Hazel.View attachment 3039430
This is Cricket.View attachment 3039431
This is Ophelia.View attachment 3039432
This is Indigo.View attachment 3039435
This is Phoenix.View attachment 3039436
This is Grace.View attachment 3039438

See if you can guess who's who - we got an Easter Egger, an Olive Egger, a Midnight Majesty Marans, a Buff Orpington, a Golden Laced Wyandotte, and a Barred Rock. (No cheating....you know I'm talking to.)

Gender guesses also welcome. I'm calling them all "Little Miss" until they prove me wrong.

This is a follow-along thread - I'll post updates and cute photos!

Come check it out!

@EmmaRainboe @Overo Mare @Silkie Princess @Poodlemum @EverythingDucks @OneHappyDuckie @Kiki @JadeFarms @MGG @PippinTheChicken @Bakbuk @The-White-Elephant
And anyone else!
They're beautiful ❤️ I also wondered how pasty butts are cleaned by hardware store personnel. I just bought 4 new chicks and they all had pasty butts 😱 Their butts were a lot worse to clean than the first chicks I bought last July. I thought about volunteering to clean all the pasty butts because I know their lives are at risk. It's so sad when I hear that some chick's deaths could be prevented 🐥

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