Another animal that we need to worry about are rats. Rats will make tunnels under coop and run, and will chew through chicken wire, and they will kill chicks, and if hungry enough could bite adult chickens while they sleep. Last spring in my yard I had to eliminate a broom of young rats, using natural, non-toxic homemade bait.
There's also a brand of poison I've heard mixed reviews about that don't harm other animals that might eat the poisoned ones: mouse x and rat x. What was your homemade bait made of?
Happy weekend!
Wanted to share this weird habit my hens have developed. They have such a preference for one nesting box suddenly, that they'll wait in line outside for it, and if they don't get their turn in time, they'll just lay right where they were waiting. 🤦‍♀️
Hey! I have a broody little girl who was sitting on an egg that was doing well and it disappeared. It was her first go round being broody so it was ga little shaky but I held out hope it would go well 😩 She still wants to brood. So does anyone in NYC have a baby chick that I could pick up asap?!
Hey! I have a broody little girl who was sitting on an egg that was doing well and it disappeared. It was her first go round being broody so it was ga little shaky but I held out hope it would go well 😩 She still wants to brood. So does anyone in NYC have a baby chick that I could pick up asap?!
Aww I’d give you a couple, but I’m 4 hours north! Good luck!
Hey! I have a broody little girl who was sitting on an egg that was doing well and it disappeared. It was her first go round being broody so it was ga little shaky but I held out hope it would go well 😩 She still wants to brood. So does anyone in NYC have a baby chick that I could pick up asap?!
aww I wish I did, but I dont have any, but I picked up a couple of chicks a few weeks ago from a place called Pick-a-chick located in Cortlandt, NY they have all sorts of chicks :)

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