
  1. Zud

    NYC area folks!

    Hey y'all, from the Bronx! Looking for other NYC area chicken keepers (and gardeners and whatever-else keepers) to lament the total non-existence of feed supply in the area, and swap city chicken/garden/whatever-else tips and stories! If you're in the area or know someone who is, say hey...
  2. Backyard Dacks

    Trade for Clean Legs in NYC Area

    Hello there! I am looking to trade these two feather-legged chickens in the photos for clean-legged chickens of [almost] any breed that are within their first year of life, like these two are (7 months old). At least one female.
  3. K

    Search for finch and/or canary eggs

    Hi, I'm in search for finch and/or canary eggs or any bird eggs that is no bigger than finch eggs. I don't need it fertile, it's for my baby egg eating snakes. It's really hard finding these eggs. Hope anyone can be of help. Thank you in advance!
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