Newly hatched chicks belly opened

New duck mommy 2021

Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Oct 19, 2021
Medicine Hat , alberta , Canada
I just wanted to share sunshines story
In case anyone ever has this happen
My first time hatching chicks
Have hatched many ducklings
Sunshine was the first to hatch
She did the perfect hatch and looked great
She was moving around the bator within a few mins
An hour later the second baby hatched
Also perfect hatch and looked great. The two found each other in no time
Shortly after I checked on them and saw something dragging behind sunshine
This wasn’t there when she hatched
At first I thought egg goo maybe from the second baby
I picked her up to find it was coming from her belly
It looked squished not like a normal yolk that hasn’t been absorbed
I set her back down and ran to grab scissors and string to tie it off
By the time I got back only a few mins what ever it was was double in length and coming out fast
I tied it off and cut the big part away
There was some yolk and blood
I set her in a bowl in the bator to warm up
I honestly thought she was going to pass
To my surprise she was out of the bowl running around
All I could hope is none of her insides had come out in that mess
This was 5 days ago
Little sunshine is growing , eating , drinking and acting completely normal with her hatch mates
I used polysporin antibiotic ointment for 3 days a few times a day on her belly button to hope to avoid infection
Now it’s drying up and will hopefully that little part left will fall off
I gave her Nutridrench for extra vitamins as she didn’t get her yolk like most do. She is a bit smaller then her hatch mates do to this
I could only come up with 2 reasons this could happen
1- new baby pecked and hit the perfect spot
2- the little pieces of sharp shell they knock of while hatching somehow nicked it
100 % she wasn’t born with an open belly button
I had lots of videos and she even fell over when first trying to walk a few times
Her belly looked normal
This is more of a post in case this happens and a person panics not knowing what to do
I had help from @WVduckchick answering my panic texts
Sunshine is the little yellow baby
Her belly looks dark but it’s just the blood / yolk leaked all over her. I have been slowly getting it off her feathers but trying not to wet the part I cut so it falls off
She is almost fully fluffy now :)


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Last night little sunshine went to her forever home
She is gaining weight and even caught up to a few of her hatch mates
Her real mom lives at that home as I incubated eggs for a friend from her own flock
That little piece fell off yesterday and her button looks great
I think sunshine will live a happy normal life
I know I will be keeping thin string abc scissors in my hatching kits from now on
Something I never thought about until it happened
Sunshine is the first little yellow butt you see :)


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Just want to do a follow up. Baby sunshine is 3 weeks old tomorrow
She is thriving
Growing and acts just like her hatch mates
I’m still in shock how this all happened and how I saved her
I had many people tell me they just cull them when this happens
Her story proves that’s not always needed
There is hope if caught right away and proper steps are taken
You would never know she was on deaths doorstep looking at her today !
Just want to do a follow up. Baby sunshine is 3 weeks old tomorrow
She is thriving
Growing and acts just like her hatch mates
I’m still in shock how this all happened and how I saved her
I had many people tell me they just cull them when this happens
Her story proves that’s not always needed
There is hope if caught right away and proper steps are taken
You would never know she was on deaths doorstep looking at her today !
Here are updated pics of her belly and her standing up


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