Are my ducklings still going to hatch?!


Apr 3, 2021
I’ve got a frizzle chicken that because of her past experience with chickens she is an honorary duck and has decided to hatch out three duck eggs. She has been very good at sitting on them everyday and today is supposedly hatch day. I candled them a week ago to make sure they were still alive and they were looking great. Two days ago I decided to block off the shack she was brooding in so the ducks couldn’t come and mess w her nest especially after they hatch because I didn’t want any babies to be eaten by the flock. I thought I had it secured enough from them but the day after I set it up I went to collect eggs and noticed one of my hens had found her way inside and had kicked frizz off her nest to lay an egg. She hasn’t done this the entire time of brooding I check her eggs regularly. I kicked her out and stupidly didn’t think anything of it or try to block it off better like I should have and this morning on hatch day I looked out my back window to see a strange commotion by the shack. All the other ducks were looking in and acting like they were watching a show. I decided to run out and check and once again she had booted frizz off the nest to lay another egg. I kicked her out and frizz frantically ran back to her eggs and now two new ones to get them back under her. I don’t want to remove the eggs to see which ones are new and which aren’t because it’s hatch day and I don’t want anymore issues. It’s not very warm here atm especially in the mornings it’s been high 30s low 40s in the mornings when my frizz is kicked off and I’m worried her eggs aren’t gonna make it. Is there still hope?
After work tonight I went out to check for any sign of pipping or hatched babies and no sign of hatching. Since it was dark and I brought my flashlight I candled all 5 eggs which three of which should’ve been developing and ready to hatch but only two were. Three of them were fresh. What happened to the third egg I couldn’t find it anywhere around her or in the shack and I’ve never picked out a rotten one. I even candled all my eggs inside to be sure. Do mice steal eggs? Do I have a theif I don’t know about? What is happening!!! I also can’t tell if the two that were developing are alive or not I figure I’ll give them a few days and check in on her everyday a few times to see if anything’s changing.

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