New to BYC!!


6 Years
Jun 6, 2017
Hi there! Mika and Jake Drummond here!

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
We got our first chickens 2 years ago, so we are fairly new to them, but also very passionate and work to educate ourselves as much as we can every day!

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
We currently have 18, but will be getting rid of 5 roosters as soon as they are old enough :(

(3) What breeds do you have?
We have Linda the Rooster (funny, right?) who is a Brahma and his two Brahma girls, Missy and Sissy. We also have a Brahma hermaphrodite, Bobbi, who is also blind and sweet as can be. We have one Cochin bantam (Pampers), a sumatra (Tommi), 2 porcelain d'uccles, a rooster and pullet by the names of Roo Rudy Rooster and Penny <3, and another rooster, a Japanese bantam who is called Yakitori (which means fried chicken in Japanese :D) and his four princesses. A lot of roosters, but we just haven't had much luck finding hens.

(4) How did you find out about
Lots of needed help as new chicken parents! With the help of all you wonderful chicken experts, we learned so much about our babies! Usually, we spent time worrying about nothing!

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
We enjoy spending time in the outdoors (geocaching) with our two dogs, Leeloo the papillon and Brotty the pittie. Watching movies, yard work, and traveling are other things we enjoy doing when we have time off from our busy lives!

Hi there guys!
Gad you joined.
I love your little brindle pup!
This video should help you find your way around:

Welcome Mika and Jake! :frow

Your chickens are absolutely beautiful! I have a weakness for bearded chicks too :oops: I had Faverolles at one point, but had to give them up due to lack of space. Now I might just be interested in looking into them again ;)

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