New problem child chicky


Apr 17, 2023
Greensboro, NC
Need some advice on a baby chick!

I just got my third set of chicks for the year and this time I got 4 from a local state hatchery. First time getting chicks from them and so far I feel like they aren’t quite as healthy as my other two sets I got from TS & another back yard hatchery.

One of my new little Polish Pullets has poop that constantly gets stuck to her butt and then builds up to basically a poop underbelly armor suit. I’ve already had to soak her twice in 3 days to get it off. I gave them electrolytes when they first got home, they have some probiotics in their water now and I made sure my heat lamp wasn’t too hot.

What else can I do so this poor chick stops pooping on herself?? I watched her take 2 very normal looking poops so I just don’t get it and why this is happening. Would love any advice!
Freezing coconut oil then breaking it up into little pieces and giving to them will help their poop to be more runny. You could also add a little apple cider vinegar to their water to improve their health overall.
Freezing coconut oil then breaking it up into little pieces and giving to them will help their poop to be more runny. You could also add a little apple cider vinegar to their water to improve their health overall.
Would you do the ACV with the powdered probiotics or just ACV in water? Any idea on ratio?
I’m using these: Roosty's Chick Feeder and Waterer Kit - 1L Chick Feeder and 1.5L Chick Waterer | Chicken Feeder and Hanging Chicken Waterer | Duck Feeder, Quail Feeder, Starter Kit Baby Chicken Feeder and Waterer Set
I would probably put 1 teaspoon of acv in a full waterer. Then switch them back to regular water after that container is gone.

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