I love the SS breed. They are friendlier than most and want to hang out. Lucy even likes being in the house when she can.
Oh gosh, sounds like a great chicken breed :) Most of ours follow us around and even come into our shed where we store our tractor & look around hoping for snacks. We've even had some hang out near our motor home door (we live in town where chickens aren't allowed - early spring thru late fall we stay on our acre "farm" in our motor home). I'd probably have a bunch of house chickens if they were allowed in town, lol! I love all animals, just worry about the ones who want to eat our chickens..
Hello BYC, thought I'd finally drop in and say "hello".

1. Yes, I'm new to raising chickens (got our first flock members in March of 2022), but old to raising chickens since my family & I did when I was a kid like 20 years ago.
2. We (husband & I) have 20 chickens right now. 2 roosters & 18 hens.
3. Chicken breeds we have: Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Brahma, Buff Plymouth Rock, Calico Princess, California White, Lavender Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Sapphire Gem.
4. Favorite aspects of backyard chickens is learning how smart each chicken is & seeing the different personalities/flock dynamics. Also, getting to see a hen lay an egg is quite amazing! I like to give them their privacy, but have happened to see and hear some of our hens lay. And the chicken therapy we get just seeing them grow up 🙂
5. My other hobbies: gardening, crochet, knitting, sewing, house work 😁
6. My husband and I are both enjoying raising our flock right now - no other pets. We both have IT (Information Technology) jobs, so the chickens get us involved outdoors (whether or not weather is nice)!
7. Bonus: Pretty sure I found BYC when searching for some advice on sexing our new chicks? That would mean I found the site around March of 2022 and I figured I would join the BYC community to be able to reach out and ask a question or get some advice (hopefully not an emergency thing).

Thank you @BY Bob for sharing "Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock" - have that bookmarked to read when I have time.

chickenmomma1108 - Elizabeth

our newest gals from March 2023 in the collage pictures here 😭 they grew up so quick!
entire flock summer of 2023 (minus someone RIR? in nesting box laying and our Buff Orpington pullet - we lost her in the fall)
Your chickens are like the coat of many colors! Each is unique and beautiful in its own right!

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