New member

Hello. Im a new member-I have been reading these threads and comments, to learn how to care for 2 ducks, that were given to me last summer. This site was a lifesaver during the winter, and I really appreciate the advice!
I have a female Peking and (what I believe is) a female Rouen. Both ducks grew up together and are about an 1 and 1/2 yr old. They about lay 2-3 eggs each day. The Peking just lays them wherever, but the Rouen lays hers in a nest (Lately she’s been broody and stays on the nest all day, except to eat and bathe).
I came out this morning to find the Peking dead. She was completely fine yesterday! I found a soft egg with no shell and several spots that looked like she passed unformed, shell-less eggs, with runny yolk and whites! One spot was right next to her. They usually eat boomgars duck feed, but they were out so I had to buy purina. They are “free-range”, love to dig for worms and bugs and I give them extra mealworms, berries and greens almost daily. I was outside with them last evening and she died before sunrise-I can’t imagine what could’ve caused her sudden death. 😢
Sorry-I don’t know why it’s under “hatching” 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hiya, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

I'm so sorry for the loss of your duck. :hugs Sometimes we can take the best care of our poultry and we may never know what happened.

You mentioned she laid some soft-shelled eggs. If you find your Rouen is laying those, it may need a bit more calcium, which is easily given with oyster shells.

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