Hi! My name is Nat. I recently brought home my first ever baby chicks. I am in love with their outgoing, sweet personalities and I can't wait to watch them grow!

(1) My grandfather had chickens and owned/worked a farm. This is my first experience with chickens, and I would like to open up a small farmer's market.

(2) Currently have 7 chicks, 2-3 weeks old, hopefully all pullets!

(3) I have 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Blue Australorps.

(4) I love animals, and the idea of raising my own, well-cared-for chickens and having a healthy source of eggs is exciting.

(5) Other hobbies include gaming, growing herbs and plants, taking care of rescue cats and voice over.

(6) I have a very close-knit family. My mother and brother live with me, and love animals as much as I do I have 4 cats and a dog.

(7) Bonus: I found BYC Group accidentally, when researching baby chick care.
Welcome to BYC!!

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