3 week chicks

  1. brittanycuster94

    4 chicks for rehoming NEAR LOS ANGELES

    I have 4 chicks, 2 bantams and 2 that are supposedly blue australorps but they don’t really have a blue color so not sure how accurate that is. I purchased them all 3 weeks ago from tractor supply and I have a strong feeling the bantams are roosters and possible one of the others. I...
  2. A

    Gender? 3 week old buff orps, cream legbars, & starlight green egger

    Hello, I know 3 weeks is too early to tell, but I love playing the guessing game of what gender the chicks are. I have two buff orpingtons (#1 & #2), one starlight green egger (#3) and two cream legbars (#4 & #5). All are from TSC. The biggest difference I see right now is between my two buff...
  3. LilHitzel

    New Member - New Chick Mom of 7!

    Hi! My name is Nat. I recently brought home my first ever baby chicks. I am in love with their outgoing, sweet personalities and I can't wait to watch them grow! (1) My grandfather had chickens and owned/worked a farm. This is my first experience with chickens, and I would like to open up a...
  4. C

    Is my pullet actually a roo?

    I was so convinced my sweet chick daisy was a girl she is a lap chick already and I had thoughts others may be Roos but not her and now she is looking the most like she may actually be a male after all? Red comb forming also has red wattles coming in, “she” is 3 weeks old! Thoughts??? She is an...
  5. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    I have been chosen 😳🥰

    I just want to be very clear: I did NOT put a single chick on myself. They decided today that they'd accept me into the family and it's adorable! They were hopping all over me! And I guess I should say sorry in advance for the language. I was just so floored! I never thought they'd be this...
  6. MageofMist

    Runt or Slow Feather Boy?

    This little Serama looks a week or two younger than it's siblings and has delayed feather development compared to them. They are all 3 weeks old, and all them including the runty one are eating and drinking fine. The two mother hens seem to be preferring the runty chick over the others as well...
  7. B

    California Grey pair? 2-3 weeks also a mystery breed

    I posted in the wrong section before. I think I have a pair of Cali greys, all was well until one was staring at me a lot and then the color was developing. One has much lighter feathers coming in and the other is much darker, even darker feet. I also have a bird that was supposed to be a...
  8. MiphaandPip_silkies

    Silkie Gender Guess?

    We just got our two very first chicks, they’re silkies, gray is looking like a sizzle! I know there’s no way of knowing gender other than dna testing or waiting it out, but I’d love some thoughts and guesses from you all! Gray is named Pip, black-gray is Mipha. They are 3 weeks old today...
  9. DelR

    Something wrong with my chick?

    Hello! I had posted a thread about 4-5 days ago asking about one of my silkie chicks. I have 3 and they are 3 weeks old today. I have one that is different than the other 2. Two of them are white, growing rapidly, and are now sprouting head and back feathers. They have their wing feathers and...
  10. ChickStavie

    Rural King Salmon favorella

    I know its to early to really tell but i bought all my birds as pullets but this salmon favorelle seems to either not be right breed/gender or just early devolper This one above i believe is pullet the one below i think is different breed/gender
  11. mozzar_ELLA

    Gaping chick

    Please help! My 3 week old australorp started stretching her neck out and opening her mouth. It almost looks like she’s going to throw up. She’s shaking her head a lot too. She’s still fairly active and eating and drinking and her poop is normal but I’m worried it could be gapeworm or something...
  12. jessicagoddard

    What Gender?? Please Help!!

    I just got 4 chicks about 3 weeks ago. Three of them are showing good development in tail, wing, and in their comb. However, one of them seems to have different wings, less of a comb, and little to no tail. He/she is a Bovan Brown. They are all the same age. I think this might be a rooster, but...
  13. B

    Help sexing this 3 week old Silver Laced Wyandotte

    She/he is bigger than the other 3 week old chicks and has a slightly redder comb. Was hoping you guys would be able to identify her/him!
  14. L

    New chicken parents

    Hi everyone, Me and my boyfriend decided to get chickens to reduce the number of eggs we buy from supermarkets. We built a chicken coop and got our first ever chicken. Everything was working just fine with our new baby (we named her Elena, 1 y/o) so we decided to get 2 baby chickens that would...
  15. karenmragan

    Scared-ey Chicks

    Hello! I have some three week old chicks that a broody hatched and right now they are in their own pen with their mama, away from the flock. My concern is whenever I go to feed or water them they bolt around the cage running along after their mom and just generally acting very frightened. I...
  16. B

    New picture of the babies

    These little gals are about 3 weeks old now. Lots of pretty little feathers coming in. 2 New Hampshire Red 4 Silver Lace Wyandotte
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