New chicks dying

Pasty butt is another indication that temps are too high. It might sound dramatic but when I first started out with temps that high I noticed a smell like chicken cooking! I knew then that high heat is a killer. It's only needed in the first few days to get them going then you want to lower temps as fast as their behavior indicates is good.
These chicks are 1 or 2 weeks old.
I would be very supprised if they are eating the bedding.
I only keep my new born chicks on paper towel for three days. By then they know what is food and what is not.
They get large pine shavings after that, not saw dust.
Glad you are adding the electrolyte. It should help.
Hope you dont loose more!
Temp is 95 degrees F. Not feeding grit, they are too young (?), Just started today, pre/probiotic and electrolytes in water. Have now covered shavings.

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