New Babies!


6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
Auburndale, Wi

Sorry the photo isn't better. My Polish hatched out 6 chicks so far 2 to go. A few Polish and a few Copper Marans. I had to move her and 3 chicks plus the eggs to a more secure spot as the Delaware who was in the box next to her had a unfortunate accident? She easily removed herself from the nesting box if another hen came in to lay and would move over to the next box, well her chicks hatched and were left wet and cold when she moved over. As well as another polish went broody and the two of them were sitting on the chicks and it made me nervous.
My Polish are such good broodies, another one of my polish "Blueberry" is helping "Choco-lot" the Muscovy hatch out 17 eggs but she is only sitting on 6, they share a nesting box.

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