New and want to say Hi!


12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
I've come here for answers off and on over the last year or so, when we bought our first flock. A little back story on me, dh and I have just a small family farm. Chickens were our first addition, well and our duck. I currently have mostly RIR and EE with a lone Barred Rock. I grew up with chickens and they are my favorite of the barnyard animals, not to mention my gals pay for the feed for other animals, great pest control, free manure and much more pleasant to listen to than the garbage disposal.

Our duck is a Rouen. The story behind him (we lost his mate) is that one of my sons is convinced it's not a farm unless there's ducks. Dougall is his duck. However, Dougall is convinced he's a chicken, it's been an interesting Spring around here this year.
Dh has enjoyed him so much that he wants a few more ducks.

Somehow I managed to pick all hens for laying stock, although I've since found out who got all the roosters. That threw me into selling eggs a little sooner than I'd planned on, but it's worked out for the best. I'm currently running at 19 hens, we've lost 2 to roaming dogs (my gals are free ranged).
welcome to the BYC....this is a great place to learn almost anything you might need or want to know. Sounds like you have a great bunch of gals pics?? We love pics!!
Well you wanted pics
These are from last summer, I haven't gotten out to get pics lately (kids keep running off with my rechargeable batteries)



The story behind this pic. For Kindergarten, my oldest dd's class raised chicks from the egg as a science project. One of the families donated a fertile egg for each student, which of course meant that there were 30 chicks at the end of it all. She got to have two of the chicks, which both turned out to be an EE cross of some kind (homebred chickens). We brought "The Twins" home about the same time the ducklings showed up and were integrated about the same time that we lost one of the ducklings. The remaining duck (Dougall) ended up adopting The Twins and protected them while they worked into the flock. After that they all became the trio. This is one of the reasons Dougall originally started out as Lucy, it was a surprise to find that 'she' ended up with male markings. LOL Anyway, here's a pic from that moment in time when they were the 3 castaways.


The story behind this one. Fairly simple, she was the garage hen. She wouldn't lay anywhere else, even borrowed fibers from the wash mitt (new at the time) at which point the kids and I took her some straw. With winter came the closing of the garage, that and they kept knocking dh's containers and tools off the benches and she's found other places to go. One being on top of an old wood cookstove, that was a good chuckle. LOL "She's a good hen, she'll even save you the trip and come to you!"


I'll get updated photos....when I can find some batteries that will last long enough.

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