My story: Chicks for the first time


Mar 7, 2018
My dad and I went to tractor supply earlier this year. We don't have a coop built or started, and we don't have any supplies either. The only thing we had was a plastic tub for a brooder box. He decided time to get everything for chicks and the chicks. Inside Tractor Supply we grab what we need to start including 5 baby Rhode Island Red chicks. Luckily we live not far away, and when I get home I set the brooder box. Another lucky thing is we live in Florida, so it wasn't too cold while I set things up. They scared me to death because they slept like they were dead. I'd nudge the tub waking them up. My first time raising chicks I had one who I didn't catch the Pasty Butt in time, but the other 4 are laying hens now. The coop and run got built by 8wks old which was my goal.
:frowHi there and welcome to BYC!
Sounds like an exciting start to your chicken journey!
We’re glad you joined!

Thank you, I actually started here back about when I got my chicks who are now hens. I just wanted to share my first time chicks story, and maybe others would share theirs.
I remember that sleeping like they’re dead!! I too was concerned they were dead

I planned and read before ordering my first chicks , we can only get them in spring so winter was busy for us. We started with a plastic tub , then a play pen, then the coop.

Such fun days , I too lost one , she got stuck under the heating pad , once I found her she was so exhausted and died . I felt like a failure, but hubby helped encourage me to not take it personally.

Good memories
Welcome to BYC! We're glad you joined :) I'm sure everyone would love to see some pictures of your birds if you have any pics;)

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