rhode island red chicks

  1. A

    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? While we've joked about having our own supply of fresh eggs, we never planned to raise chickens. As of last Friday we're now backyard chicken farmers(well garage, for now)! Here's our timeline: Thu: Our older child's class hatched 6...
  2. W

    How old were your chickens when they started laying eggs?

    Hi! I have 4 Rhode Island Red hens and 2 Black Sex Link hens. They will be 4 May baths on August 15th. When will they start laying eggs? I thought it would be 6 months, but a client said hers started at 4 months!
  3. IMG_20220507_183913.jpg


    I bought 21 RIR on 5/7/22 and added 7 more a few days later.
  4. FeatherSwift93

    4 week old update!

    Today my Rhode Island Red chicks are 4 weeks old! They are growing super fast and making more of a mess these days lol They have learned to scratch and I am having to sweep around their pen a couple times a day from all the wood chips. They are all perching and they love Kale!
  5. FeatherSwift93

    Starting to perch!!

    My chicks are starting to perch! I put them a little stick in their cage last night and zip tied it around the cage so they don't wobble!
  6. Mammabear419

    Hello from East TN

    Hello! We are not really new to raising chicks, we’ve lived this awesome life once before, but in a drastically different climate… central MN. We inherited 8 Rhode Island reds from a friend there and when we moved south we gave them to family as we did not have enough property to bring them with...
  7. F

    Help: Hen or Cockerel?

    Recently got baby rhode island red chicks from a local feed store. We were told both are pullets but one is looking more like a cockerel. Roughly 4 weeks old i think? Just now growing a tail and comb is more noticeable. Here is an individual photo as well as one with he/she on the chair arm...
  8. M

    Possible to sex 20-day old chicks?

    I have 3 Rhode Island Red chicks and I'm wondering if it's possible to sex them at this age? Two of them are quite a bit larger than the third and have more feather growth, and also are more outgoing. I've attached pics. :) Pic 1 one of the larger ones is on the left and the smallest is on the...
  9. Rhode island red chicks in the clover

    Rhode island red chicks in the clover

  10. Rhode island chick sleeping by a feather

    Rhode island chick sleeping by a feather

    rhode island chick with a feather placed next to her for comparison
  11. rhode island chicks with rain droplets and buttercups

    rhode island chicks with rain droplets and buttercups

  12. rhode island chicks with rain droplets and buttercups

    rhode island chicks with rain droplets and buttercups


    Sexing 11 week old Chicks. RIR Rusty and Acme, a Jersey Giant

    Well, Saddle feathers have begun to poke out on my 7 Chicks. Seeking second opinions on Rusty, the Red, and any other Rooster suspect you might spot in this 6 AM Video. I ordered Brown Egg Layers from Meyer Hatchery, and paid extra to be sure I got Exchequer Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock...
  14. Crazychickennurse

    Please reassure this brand new crazy chicken lady!

    Hi friends! My family and I are the proud owners of 4 Rhode Island Red chicks, now 6 weeks old. They came from a reputable, local hatchery and we were assured they were sexed pullets. From an early age, two of the chicks were the bravest, most inquisitive and have now grown into the two biggest...
  15. Gungellan Farm

    Chicks for sale SOCAL

    We live outside of the quarantine zone. Our birds have never been exposed to other birds or wild birds. Our birds reside in a very large walk in coop building with lots of airflow and access to lots of direct sunshine. All our birds are very healthy and none of them have ever been sick. All of...
  16. Light family

    Sex of RIR, BSL, and Columbian Rock....Plymouth Barred Rock turns out to be a Black Sex Linked!

    Chicks are 2 weeks + 5 days old. Thought we had: 1 x Columbian Rock Cross 2 x Rhode Island Red (possibly Red Sussex Cross) 2 x Plymouth Barred Rock Now I realize that there are no stripes and no head spots so it is likely the other option from the mix sold which was “Red Rock Cross” - I...
  17. PorchChickens3

    Hello!! First Chickens, might get more soon!

    You can call me Avi . 1.) We got our small flock on April 3 and are thinking about getting a few more due to recent events. We have good friends who own many chickens and my dad worked with chickens at his old job. 2.) We started with 6 and now have 3. I posted a question that will explain why...
  18. Sherryspat8

    4 week old RIR Drama!🐔

    Hello! I am a new chicken mom 🙋‍♀️! I brought home six (2 day old) chicks on Feb 27th from the local feed store, where they stated 90% of the chicks are females. I got 2 buffs, 2 EE's, 1 BR, and 1 RIR. From the get go, I knew one of the buffs was a male (Lemon) - and he happens to be the most...
  19. J

    Want RIR chicks today if possible... HELP!!!

    We are Jac Jac and Manny of BeyondGanics. We recently started added chicken - a Dorking rooster and hen and several Red Stars who were already in a flock together to our sustainable farm. We want to get several RIR chicks (preferably tonight). Can anyone help us out? We're in the Savannah, Ga...
  20. H

    My story: Chicks for the first time

    My dad and I went to tractor supply earlier this year. We don't have a coop built or started, and we don't have any supplies either. The only thing we had was a plastic tub for a brooder box. He decided time to get everything for chicks and the chicks. Inside Tractor Supply we grab what we need...
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