My rooster saved my ducks from a hawk!!

Jan 12, 2024
South Carolina Greenville
Recently a hawk attacked my ducks Abigail and Margarito when they were free-ranging in my yard, I saw it all, The hawk swooped down and tried attacking Margarito but she managed to run fast enough to dodge it, Abigail was running all over the place while the hawk was trying to swoop down to get her, I ran down there to go stop it but out of NOWHERE my rooster jumps out and attacks the hawk, wrestling with it and probably getting some good blows on it, the hawk ran off and my rooster just stood there crowing before mating with one of the hens passing by like nothing. I checked the rooster for any wounds and he was completely okay, No cuts or wounds, worst thing he had was a bigger ego for attacking a hawk. long story short, He deserved the blueberry I gave him.
Recently a hawk attacked my ducks Abigail and Margarito when they were free-ranging in my yard, I saw it all, The hawk swooped down and tried attacking Margarito but she managed to run fast enough to dodge it, Abigail was running all over the place while the hawk was trying to swoop down to get her, I ran down there to go stop it but out of NOWHERE my rooster jumps out and attacks the hawk, wrestling with it and probably getting some good blows on it, the hawk ran off and my rooster just stood there crowing before mating with one of the hens passing by like nothing. I checked the rooster for any wounds and he was completely okay, No cuts or wounds, worst thing he had was a bigger ego for attacking a hawk. long story short, He deserved the blueberry I gave him.
That's great! You got a winner in that roo.
Recently a hawk attacked my ducks Abigail and Margarito when they were free-ranging in my yard, I saw it all, The hawk swooped down and tried attacking Margarito but she managed to run fast enough to dodge it, Abigail was running all over the place while the hawk was trying to swoop down to get her, I ran down there to go stop it but out of NOWHERE my rooster jumps out and attacks the hawk, wrestling with it and probably getting some good blows on it, the hawk ran off and my rooster just stood there crowing before mating with one of the hens passing by like nothing. I checked the rooster for any wounds and he was completely okay, No cuts or wounds, worst thing he had was a bigger ego for attacking a hawk. long story short, He deserved the blueberry I gave him.
Wow! That’s amazing!
He's a barred rock Plymouth! He's incredibly nice to me (probably because I give the sucker berries sometimes) and protective over the hens, what surprises me is that he doesn't care about the ducks but still protected them.
Picture of said rooster


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He sounds so special. And he sure is handsome!

I would just delete this, but I don’t want to leave a bad rap in the wake of doing so!!!
I had started to reply to say

No doubt!!

But got a call as I was typing, and iDK why it posted.... as no!
I must have hit the screen of my phone in the wrong spot as the call was coming in 😞
It’s been a chaotic week and I’ve not been on for a few days.... just seeing these (understandably) negative reactions

I certainly wish I had a roo so brave 🥰
And certainly meant no ill will!!
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