My Rooster Is Succumbing to Heart Failure


5 Years
May 29, 2019
A couple weeks back, I posted about my 2.5 y/o bantam salmon faverolle roo, Oz, who had been vaguely "off." I'd since taken him to the vet, who concluded he had a heart murmur and would likely deteriorate over time. As a hail mary, I tried antibiotics, since I know some heart issues can be sparked by an infection. Unfortunately, it did nothing to stop or slow down his heart issues.

Initially, Oz had been somewhat quiet and lethargic, uninterested in running around and being the acrobatic Romeo he usually is. Now, in addition to his sleepy, quiet behavior, he's started having issues breathing and it's clear he's not getting enough oxygen. The slightest action will get him out of breath, and even when resting his tail is pumping dramatically and I can hear a subtle squeak when he breathes. Eating also makes him out of breath, so it's getting harder and harder to feed him. His comb has taken on a bluish tint.

Despite being gravely ill, Oz has made it clear he does NOT want to be separated from his ladies. He doesn't even like being in the separation pen where he can still see his ladies. It seems he just wants to be out by them, sleeping--until eventually, I suppose, he doesn't wake up. I hope that's as peaceful a way out as it sounds.

Is there anything else I can do to make him comfortable? Should I just continue offering supportive care and letting him fade out surrounded by his flock?

I'm so sorry😔 If they are not bullying him, keeping him comfortable and letting him die happy is what I would do. There is no point in letting him die feeling separated from his flock and stressed if they are leaving him alone. I'm sure you want him to go as peacefully as possible and he has already let you know that being separated from his ladies is not peaceful at all for him.
I'm so sorry😔 If they are not bullying him, keeping him comfortable and letting him die happy is what I would do. There is no point in letting him die feeling separated from his flock and stressed if they are leaving him alone. I'm sure you want him to go as peacefully as possible and he has already let you know that being separated from his ladies is not peaceful at all for him.
I agree--thank you. I hope that when he goes, he just takes a nap and doesn't wake up. I don't want him to suffer. His ladies are being kind to him, so no worries there.

I'm worried for my bottom rung hen, an EE named "Darla," who Oz has literally taken under his wing (she sleeps under it every night). She'll be lost without him. 💔
You could try tube feeding him if he's struggling to eat on his own, but that just may be prolonging something that doesn't need to be. I'm so sorry. He's clearly very special to you. :hugs
I've thought about that, but I also worry that the struggle of handling him and force-feeding him might put him over the edge and give him a heart attack. I'll keep that in mind and see how the next couple of days go. Right now he really only eats while being hand-fed mash molded into little bullets and it seems to get him out of breath :(
Sorry about your rooster:hugshe looks so handsome.
yes, let him stay with his hens. these are his last days, we should let him live them out as he pleases. give him lot's of treats. have some relaxing music in the coop .it will sooth him, and you will have happy hens.
Love this idea! I played Yo-Yo Ma for my hens who were dying (I lost two hens this past spring to EYP)--and they really seemed to respond to it. I'd sing for them, too, and they'd tuck their head into my body. What special creatures chickens are.
Love this idea! I played Yo-Yo Ma for my hens who were dying (I lost two hens this past spring to EYP)--and they really seemed to respond to it. I'd sing for them, too, and they'd tuck their head into my body. What special creatures chickens are.
Classical music is wonderful for hens. I sometimes also do relaxing piano, birds tweeting, soft rain, and gurgling streams. anything soothing will, well sooth your birds.

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