
Jun 17, 2020
Unsexed homing pigeon. Over a year old. It used to slap me but now it bites. Not pecking but biting. He will usually do this when he's in the same room as his cage. He sleeps in the cage at night and has food and water, other than that he gets a whole bedroom. I try to hand feed him but he refuses. I bathe him with water. Could I be doing something wrong here? I want him to love me just as much as I love him. Help
Unsexed homing pigeon. Over a year old.
what is it's behavior like? You can sex a year old bird. If it hasn't laid eggs, and it a a year old, probably a male.
It used to slap me but now it bites. Not pecking but biting.
probably a male, wishing he had eggs to sit on. That is there way to say, "BACK OFF"
I try to hand feed him but he refuses.
He won't refuse if he doesn't get fed until he does. Make him miss a day or two, if he won't eat from your hand. Patience is key.
I bathe him with water.
like, give him a pan with water? you make it sound like you force him in water.
I want him to love me just as much as I love him.
sorry, it that's not going to happen. When someone ask me if my birds are friendly, I say this: "no. They hate me touching them. But they are very trusting. They will eat out of my hand, they will sometimes land on me, but if my hand goes for them, they don't like that!"
what is it's behavior like? You can sex a year old bird. If it hasn't laid eggs, and it a a year old, probably a male.
probably a male, wishing he had eggs to sit on. That is there way to say, "BACK OFF"
He won't refuse if he doesn't get fed until he does. Make him miss a day or two, if he won't eat from your hand. Patience is key.
like, give him a pan with water? you make it sound like you force him in water.
sorry, it that's not going to happen. When someone ask me if my birds are friendly, I say this: "no. They hate me touching them. But they are very trusting. They will eat out of my hand, they will sometimes land on me, but if my hand goes for them, they don't like that!"
I'm a bit hesitant to make my pigeon miss out on his food but I guess if you say to try that I'll try.
I give him a bowl with water and only water. No soap. That is what I meant by that.
Also, for the egg thing should I give him like marbles or something to sit on or?...
I'm a bit hesitant to make my pigeon miss out on his food but I guess if you say to try that I'll try.
I would. But don't feed him I til he says out of your hand. Her will gladly eat out of your hand, if he has no other option. I'm sure he has enough far to last him a week or more. Here's an idea... Give him a couple of raw unsalted peanuts, and he will love them! Then, make him eat them a little closer to you. and then, make him eat them out of your hand. Once he's eating out of your hand, raise it up a little, so he has to land on your hand to eat them.
Also, for the egg thing should I give him like marbles or something to sit on or?...
anything round, white, and the size of a quarter of larger. Some people use golf balls. Or, you can buy fake eggs used for crafts, and use those. you don't have to let him sit though. It's up to you.
Does he go out of his way to attack you or does he bite when touched?

I have a very tame cockbird that has always been a bit aggro, and he quickly became the top bird when I had a flock. He has no fear of me whatsoever and calls to me like his hen and has tried to mate with parts of my body numerous times. However he really hates being touched if its not on his own terms and will often wing slap or bite (and hold, like yours) if you pick him up. However the second you release him he will jump on your arm or shoulder, coo a bit, and then stop biting. I think the hand tame birds especially the cocks sometimes view being handled as a display of dominance so they resist. If you try to make this bird step up off a perch onto your hand he will grab mercilessly in between your fingers :hit but five minutes later he'll land on your shoulder and preen or nap. Cocks are much more likely to show these behaviors than hens which are much more submissive. Most of the cuddly indoor pigeons I know of are hens.
Maybe try wearing a glove or something. He may stop the biting if it has no visible effect on you. Also you don't have to starve him, but like BP said skipping a meal won't hurt him and he would certainly be happier to see you the next day with the food tray! I think giving him some fake eggs would be a good idea, it might calm him down.
It used to slap me but now it bites. Not pecking but biting.
I had a few birds that were there nature not much you could do they were the dominate ones in the loft. That being said hand feeding shelled unsalted peanuts (break peanuts up at the start) as a treat will definitely make them fly and come to you in the loft.

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