pigeon behavior

  1. alex love pigeon

    Why My Pigeon Lost After I Release it and Not Returning Home

    Everyone I just released my pigeon yesterday hoping it can return to my home. i release him at the early morning but after a while, he doesn't return. i'm so sad right now. i also wonder why he did not return. he is a white male pigeon. he is just 5-6 months old. usually, i release him around my...
  2. A

    Any pigeon experts on here?

    I need pigeon experts and pigeon vets to follow on here please
  3. NinjaGamer2022

    Are Parlor Roller Pigeons and heavy pigeons unhappy?

    Are parlor roller pigeons and other pigeons that can't or can't really fly unhappy?
  4. I

    New member in San Diego

    Hi all! I’m a new member in San Diego. I have rescue pigeons as pets and am looking to connect with other pigeon people to ask/answer questions, share tips, find available pigeons, etc.
  5. Jordan01

    One bullied pigeon

    I got 4 white homers about a month ago, one mated pair and 2 younger adults i was hoping would bond. The pair now has a nest with 2 eggs inside and have been aggressive to the others but one poor pidge is being brutalized by all 3 birds. I dont know if its male or female but i call her a girl...
  6. P

    Advice first pair ever?

    Hi can i have some advice I have owned a male fantail as a pet for a good while he is shy but a real darling and we decided to get him a wife another Indian fantail lovely little thing all white he instantly started doing dancing and cooing as well as puffy up but attacked her and i soon...
  7. H

    Adopted Rescued Racing Pigeon and Need Info

    Hello! I adopted a rescued racing pigeon (she didn't make it home, was found in the mouth of a cat, wasn't claimed and was taken in by a local rescue) back in February. I have found a sad lack of information on keeping pigeons and doves as pets. Topics like what to feed them (she's a picky...
  8. K

    Pigeon paring?

    I have 3 pigeons. Two nest mates who are around 2 months old, the third bird is a 8 month old male. He seems lonely and like he’s looking for a mate (even sporadically attacking the younger two). Should I get him a mate? or should I wait for the other two to get older he can pair with the...
  9. TurnipGod

    My pigeon is aggressive and I want to fix this problem

    Unsexed homing pigeon. Over a year old. It used to slap me but now it bites. Not pecking but biting. He will usually do this when he's in the same room as his cage. He sleeps in the cage at night and has food and water, other than that he gets a whole bedroom. I try to hand feed him but he...
  10. The pigeons & I

    The pigeons & I

    I love nature, I love gardening , I love birds and yes I love pigeons! When I care for a baby animal all my motherly instincts flourish and I become a critter mom. A couple of years ago I find a pigeon chick who falls from it's nest; tooked him home and hand feed him until he was old enough to...
  11. dirkapitation

    i want my homing pigeon to trust me as soon as possible

    i just got this beautiful little fella he lives outside with his own little home hes a homing pigeon weve had him for two days he is registered to a breeder that doesnt want him how do i re register him i do plan on letting him out after a while and seeing if he comes back he grunts and i know...
  12. ReseisCL16

    Squab Help

    Hi again, it's me with the Ports. I may have mentioned this in previous posts, but due to a mistake on my supplier's end, I ended up with three hens and one cock. Technically, the cock is paired with a specific hen, but he does naughty things with all of them. All three hens have been on eggs...
  13. alexthefarmlady

    My pigeon stopped laying on hatching eggs

    So my pigeons been laying on their eggs and it’s finally hatching time and once they started hatching both the mom and dad stopped laying on them? Any thoughts I’m really worried about them it’s been more then a couple hours
  14. chickenreyna

    silky fantain running around in circles?

    He doesnt do it all time just s couple times a week. Whats this mean?
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