my goose is sick I need some help

Dose anyone have any baytril experience need to know before I syringe this into him my vet admitted she dosent work with geese allot all these ideas are from me researching for 2 weeks will baytril work endofloxcyn?
I'm going to see if casportpony is on tonight she is another good one with meds.
Thank you so much and god bless took him off sulfadimethoxine like 4 hrs ago i.e straight water he's still alert little sleepy very dark green poo now today cloudy milky u rate figured it was from sulfa I'm sure Mikes right about 2 TSP being to much need to know cause vet probably was wrong about sulfa dosage she gave me baytril 22.7mg tabs beef flavored she said it's the same even though it's flavored I've been reading that baytril is strong 2 tabs by mouth 2 times a day the bottle says 10 days he's like 10 lbs now from 11.5 he's a medium toulouse just need to know if she's right on dosage like I said I don't wanna nuke my friend so right now I have him on straight water to clean out the sulfa before I start baytril like I said he's not that weak yet and I wanna nip this in the but money is no issue when it's your best friend this gander comes to work with me hops in the truck in the morning with me and hangs out next to my truck when I'm doing my carpentry haven't brought him in a few days cause I think he's getting cold every morning i find him by the space heater standing on one foot with his bill in his back feathers god I love this gander you can say I'm attached and so stressed about this I won't give up seeing him get better on oxytetracycline makes me feel like I can do something about this thus 67$baytril and yes he's worth every dollar it takes
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Thank you so much and god bless took him off sulfadimethoxine like 4 hrs ago i.e straight water he's still alert little sleepy very dark green poo now today cloudy milky u rate figured it was from sulfa I'm sure Mikes right about 2 TSP being to much need to know cause vet probably was wrong about sulfa dosage she gave me baytril 22.7mg tabs beef flavored she said it's the same even though it's flavored I've been reading that baytril is strong 1 tabs by mouth 2 times a day the bottle says 10 days he's like 10 lbs now from 11.5 he's a medium toulouse just need to know if she's right on dosage like I said I don't wanna nuke my friend so right now I have him on straight water to clean out the sulfa before I start baytril like I said he's not that weak yet and I wanna nip this in the but money is no issue when it's your best friend this gander comes to work with me hops in the truck in the morning with me and hangs out next to my truck when I'm doing my carpentry haven't brought him in a few days cause I think he's getting cold every morning i find him by the space heater standing on one foot with his bill in his back feathers god I love this gander you can say I'm attached and so stressed about this I won't give up seeing him get better on oxytetracycline makes me feel like I can do something about this thus 67$baytril and yes he's worth every dollar it takes
I wish i knew what to tell you about the Baytril I don't think if it was me though I'd start the Baytril tonight give over night to flush the sulfa out of his system some. Hopefully Casportpony or Michael Apple will get back to you on how to proceed. So the Vet wants you to put your gander on the Baytril and another question did the vet look for metal when doing xrays? since you say your a carpenter could your gander picked up any metal screws, nails staples etc. Water fowl are attracted to shiny objects and metal poisoning happens.
With the enrofloxacin (Baytril), I was giving a 6 lb rooster 25 mg a day, so 45 mg would not be too much for an 11 lb goose. I bet you Kathy will come in with exact dosages, haha. That's good though. With sulfadimethoxine, any time I have used it, the dosage was 1 tsp powder per gallon, no more than 5 days. Like I mentioned before, the requirement for geese may be different. Miss Lydia made a good point about staples, screws, even pieces of plastic or nylon twine can cause problems in the intestinal tract. I had a hen eat a bunch of green plums that fell out of a tree and she was acting like she was at death's door for about 12 hours. One of my favorite geese was a Gran Toulouse my dad had when I was younger. She was like a puppy dog following me around. and very gentle. I hope your goose recovers. keep us posted.
No its not any metal i.e hardware syndrome thus xray you said that so I just metal detected him I own a expensive whites detector nada came up under all settings like I said oxytetra for 3 days he had a new lease on life eating pooping normal energy the whole 9 took him off after day 10 degraded rapidly that's why I believe the oxytetra kept it at bay so to speak
I'll tell you he likes the regular water better he's working up a storm on his bowl right now I'm sending a pic if my service allows it I'm doing this from a smart phone so I get the msgs instantly
He's so pretty, i have 2 Toulouse geese love them to pieces. I wish I could give you advise on the meds, if you trust your vet then I'd follow his/her advise if they say treat with Baytril then do that but find out how long between meds before starting a new one, and give him some kind of probiotic to help with gut flora from taking these antibiotics they kill both good and bad bacteria. you can get bird probiotics at most feed stores or TSCI wish someone was on tonight but I guess some members have a life away from BYC lol

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