My first ever deformed chick. Pics may be disturbing!!!


13 Years
Nov 24, 2009
I will first say if you are squeamish you might not want to look at the pictures.

I have never had a deformed chick this severe. I have had chicks before with 1 with wry neck and maybe a few with crooked toes, but never something this sever. It looks horrible and I am surprised it made it to hatch day. It did not pip, but I understand why. I am kinda glad it did not make it. I don't even know if it would be able to eat or drink. I don't really know what went wrong. Could it have been just a natural fluke? The parents are two separate breeds. They did come from a hatchery, but I don't know if that would have anything to do with it. I have hatched plenty of chicks off of hatchery parents and have never had a problem before.

It actually has what appears to be 3 eyes (the middle eye looks kinda like it has 2 pupils), 2 top beaks, and 1 lower beak. Also, it seems to have been sucking up the yolk on the side of its abdomen instead of the normal spot.

Get ready for

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Yes. I candled it yesterday (it was one of two that had not piped) and had movement. Today still no pip so I candled and saw no movement. Then I opened it carefully just in case I was wrong.
It looks like one of those freak things that just happen sometime. Looks like a single bottom beak and two top beaks? I forget the term for it, but basicly the cells start to divide into twins but don't make it. It's the same type thing with two headed calves and such. I doubt it was caused by hatchery birds, and I'd go so far as to say you could try and try and never duplicate it. Just one of those freak things.

Gross but facinating too.

But oh how I wish it didn't happen in Mississippi..... I can already hear the jokes starting.
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