My duck used to be a warrior that the cosmos would fear... Now she's afraid of everything...


Jul 21, 2021
Hi! As the title says, my duckling used to be absolutely fearless! We have a small dog that she used to terrorize, by biting his tail. His curiosity went away, and was swiftly replaced with fear. We got another duckling, so she's not alone at night, and maybe she will forget about the dog, which worked on those two fronts. It's been a few weeks, now, with the new duck, and now both of them are afraid of everything. My first duck used to eat salmon that I would cut into tiny cubes, and now she won't even eat them, and screams and makes sounds she's never made before, whenever I try to feed her salmon. Yet, let me go to the pond out back and get some minnows or the occasional tadpole that gets in my trap, and they're all over that! Is this normal behavior? Is there anything different I could do to help them realize, this is food and good for them?
The picture is of me and her laying down and getting her to sleep, because I have to put a picture lol
If it makes you feel any better I don't allow my ducks to imprint on me which means all of my ducks definitely go through the phase where I am Satan in the flesh lol I just took these pictures today. The first picture I'm sitting at the picnic table under the lean-to maybe 3-4 ft from the edge of the concrete. Right after I took this picture they ended up coming under the table to poke at my flip flops (I don't know why, but my ducks are obsessed with flip flops and trying to pull the laces off of shoes😂). The second picture the ducks were foraging right by my kids playing in the mud with the hose.

Note: Please excuse the giant scrap pile in the back that's going to the dump this weekend. We just moved in this year and the previous owners left us a lovely amount of work to do including trash and scrap metal everywhere that we have had to spend every weekend chipping away at😐😒

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