My Chickens do not Roost on the Bar...What do I do?

1 1/2" is way too skinny. No wonder they won't use it......
I bought the coop that way. when I went to a chicken seminar at my local agriculture store I asked if it was appropriate and was told yes. I am sorry if I was misinformed but it was not my fault
They will learn to perch eventually, as long as they have room to hop up, jump or fly up to the roosts, it will be best to have a lower roost so they can reach the upper ones.
Hi all! My chickens have settled in well and on has even started laying! It's very exciting! Anyways when they first came home the chickens slept like this (pictures below) I thought it was possibly just a faze but now they always sleep that way and never on the roost. even if it is warm out they sleep like this. Do I need to move the roost? what should I do? Any tips would be appreciated!
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you have a lot of hens but it doesn't look like you have enough space each hen needs at least 2 feet of roost space. but about the non roosting thing you need to find the biggest most dominate hen (she will be slightly bigger then the others and she will eat first or peck anyone who trys to eat before her) and place her on the roost in the night it can take up to two weeks.
1 1/2" is not way too skinny, tho they might like the 3 1/2" side up better.
..and it look to be long enough tho I can't see pic real good.
1 foot of roost length per bird works well, they sleep on less but need that 'extra' space to get settled during the nightly RoostTimeRumble.
You could add a lower roost too, to help them get up there, or a ramp, or just put them up there a few times and it might be just fine where it is.
Keep roost about a foot higher than nests so they don't start sleeping in nests.
Did your hens come from a production farm? I'm only asking because I have some that did and they will not roost up high. They have a place on top of all the nesting boxes and they snuggle together. They have 7 or 8 different perch sizes and heights to choose from as well, but they do not use them.

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