
  1. StefneyRSA

    Why do my Orpingtons prefer to huddle together on the floor instead of roosting or using their nests at night? How should I design their coop?

    Why do my Orpingtons (bantam and regular) prefer to huddle up on the floor at night instead of roosting on their perch? I’m busy drawing up plans for a luxurious coop for them to sleep in (this will be inside of a very big catio-inspired run/enclosure/aviary in my backyard). They’ve been in a...
  2. angeliemo

    Button Quail Sleeping😴

    I honestly love to see my button quail, Santi, sleeping right by my shoulder after a long day. I wonder what makes him so tired tho LOL. Button Quail Sleeping😴
  3. PXL_20240120_015603372.jpg


  4. arazla

    Strange night time behavior

    My chickens are 14.5 weeks old and were moved to their new shed around one month ago. They cry and fuss as soon as we close the door for the night, usually between 7:30-8 pm, with rather pitiful heart wrenching whines. I've stayed in their shed a few times in the dark to see what's going on and...
  5. D

    Somebody please tell me the reason she died

    My baby quail got wet during the night and in the morning was very cold, couldn't stand and barely opened her eyes, but at least she was breathing... Before i go on, a day ago she was just as weak when i woke up, but not cold, her crop was pretty much empty and i somehow saved her after watching...
  6. K

    Duck beak is quivering?

    This is my duck Waddlez. Lately i’ve been noticing when she is sleeping or laying down her beak moves or like quivers? It’s not cold right now so idk why she’s doing this! Can anyone let me know why she’s doing this? Here is a video of her doing it
  7. 6

    How Often Do Chickens Nap?

    I was curious as to what the 'average' or 'normal' napping habits of chickens? What are the sleeping habits of your hens? How often do they nap? Once? Twice? More than 5 times a day? What is considered normal napping habits, and what is considered sick behavior? Maybe this will help other...
  8. Diveks

    Lethargic/shy 2 month old not wanting to eat much

    So i’ve just gotten two month old chicks last night. When i picked them out, they were very lively and active. Its a 10 minute drive home but they seem to be very stressed from the new environment. This is the first time im getting 1-2 month old chicks (usually older or younger) so bare with me...
  9. Gearhead846

    Is it normal for my duckling to sleep by the water ?

    I have been noticing that just about every time that I have gone into my ducklings brooder that they are almost always sleeping, and sleeping right next to the water is that normal? And approx. How long do 3 week old ducklings sleep everyday Thanks
  10. robbyvg

    What a duckling looks like when its still absorbing the yolk! Not ready yet!

    Here is a video I took tonight of a Blue Swedish duckling in the incubator on Day 29. It externally pipped and 36 hours later started to zip. We lightly helped clean some loose shell away and used a q-tip to lightly coat the membrane/chick with bacitracin because we noticed it appeared to be...
  11. Miaksbeaks

    Pullets in coop with hens?

    I have 2 pullets and 3 hens. I have slowly been introducing the pullets with the hens. Today they free ranged all together, and besides a few pecking order squabbles, all went pretty well. Tonight I went to shut the coop door and checked to see if all chickens were there, but only the 3 hens...
  12. LizzzyJo

    5 month pullets wont roost despite efforts - advice?

    I have two 5-month old pullets who wont roost despite my best efforts. They have always preferred to sleep in the nest boxes. If it is dark and I put them on the roost, then evidence suggests they stay there (evidence is 10-minute check and pullet egg on the floor under the roost). I don't want...
  13. ninja333pirate

    revived chick, how long to let sleep between checking on her.

    tldr at bottom So I got some chicks in the mail yesterday (after 3 days in the mail and a slightly squashed box) and so far 7 of them have died, one was DOA, one died right after getting her home another died shortly after that and one more later that day. That whole day I checked on them...
  14. JustLook

    Brooding but not Broody / Sleeping in Nest Box

    So this is Lemon: It's just after sunset and I am trying to count all of my nine pullets and only getting to 8 and then I find Lemon downstairs sitting on these eggs. I took away the ones there and she retreated back to the other nest box where I left her for the night, I think she wants to...
  15. Aww, little Homie!!

    Aww, little Homie!!

    My Homie deeply sleeping. She still konks out this way even as a young pullet.
  16. KKelli

    Lights on in the coop

    We have six hens we raised they are now prob 18 weeks. When we got them it was still cold at night, so we had a heat lamp in the coop. As it got warmer we tried to take it out but they seemed upset. We set up a normal light bulb and it seemed to calm them. Now it is months later they are laying...
  17. S

    Baby duck won’t stop crying!

    4 day old duckling, the duck is a call duck. He has a heating pad, mirror plenty of clean water and food. The duck also has a stuffed animal. One night he was okay sleeping but most others he won’t quit crying even tho he can see me. I’ve tried the ticking clock background it has only helped a...
  18. M

    Chicken Fluffed up, Unresponsive, and not Eating or Drinking

    It may be too late, as she's worsened, but my 4 year old Black Australorp started fluffing up about a week ago. I've treated her for a vitamin deficiency before, but as the week progressed she started not moving around as much and now she can't stand. Her poop is normal, her crop feels empty...
  19. TT43

    Chicks wont go to hen house

    Help! My 12 weeks old chicks were attacked one morning when I let them out of the coop. One survived out of 4. I got 2 new 8 week old chicks to keep Fluffy company. Now none of them will willingly go into the Hen house to sleep. I've locked them all in there for 2 days and it's been in 30's at...
  20. theharve01

    Turkeys staying in the corner

    Hi. I know this is a chicken forum. But most of us that keep hens get the odd turkey. This is my second year raising turkeys for xmas dinners. I have 7 this year. 5 last year. Last year i built an elaborate perch for them to roost at night in. This year i built a nicer one. Plus i built them a...
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