Muscovy positioned wrong in egg?



Apr 5, 2018
I think my Muscovy might be backwards in its egg. What could I do for it? How could I know for a fact? I thought it enternally pipped on day 31 but I heard no peeps so I ignored it. As the days went on it kept moving like crazy and looked even more like it was enternally pipped. Yesterday I made a breathing hole thinking maybe it was having trouble breaking the shell and so I could see a bit inside because it looked like two beaks had enternally pipped. I couldn't see anything and decided to leave it and it's still moving today and no shrink wrap no worries but the two "beak" bumps just keep getting more pronounced and no progression. I'm afraid I helped too soon but it's been acting like this for 5 days and looking like it enternally pipped so I assumed it was an early bloomer. Here are some pics. Any HELP would be very appreciated. Thank you.


I'm a little freaking out so help would be loved
Mine will *internally* pip then take 24-48 hours to *externally* pip. Do you have any pictures from five days ago? And what's your humidity at right now?

@WVduckchick, @Pyxis , any thoughts?
No but it looked the same except the big bump didn't go that high. It was only about as high as the breathing hole I poked actually. Right not my humidity it 84% I'm trying to keep it high since there are small breathing holes in 3 others that have internally pipped
When did the other three pip internally? When did you made breathing holes?
Yesterday in the morning. Everyone is still doing good so far but no one is actually externally pipping yet. When I check them I'm under a blanket with humidifiers because I don't want to dry anyone out.
I should add that this is my first hatch. I'm just trying to use all my research and pictures of Eggs and chicks and videos from the internet to tell me what's happening.

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