Mmm. Tuna!


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
One fresh 20lb albacore from the Oregon coast!


Many servings of fresh lightly seared sashimi.

My Aunt and Uncle lives in Florence. Have you canned any tuna? I hear you will never buy tuna from the store again. I REALLY want to try it.
I've never canned tuna or anything else for that matter. I also hear fresh canned albacore beats the heck out of any store tuna. But raw albacore is about the only tuna we eat. I haven't eaten canned stuff since a child and even then it was not often. We don't buy or store canned goods although we should in case of emergency. There might be a can of bean paste or water chestnuts... but no staple foods.

We only buy individual fish off the docks. This fish was from Shorty and was the freshest one yet! We can't afford to charter a tuna trip ($300/person ) although I'm sure it'd be a blast.

Are you catching your own fish or buying it wholesale? Canning 60lbs of fish sounds like a lot of work! Just carking one to eat right away is a lot of work!
I buy whole fish but have Chuck's fillet them. Tuna with their complex skeletons are a lot more work to fillet than salmon! We can process 60 pounds in 3 days, 2 runs a day through the pressure cooker. The pressure cooker has to completely cool before cracking the lid, otherwise the jars crack. My husband and I can have 2 dozen jars packed with raw fish, loaded in the cooker and have the kitchen counter scrubbed down in less than 30 minutes. Babysitting the cooker as it gets up to pressure in order to set the timer is the most time consuming part but I look at it as free knitting time. DH has gone tuna fishing off of Southern Cal. He said it was a blast but a serious work out because tuna put up such a fight.
Wow 3 days! But you've got a year's worth of fish out of it! I've actually never fillet a salmon... didn't think the tuna was that hard to loin out, but it sure does make the kitchen a bit fishy if you don't get every last bit of blood off of everything and bleach any kitchen towels that come into contact with the meat/oil/blood. Can't wait till it's time to go crabbing. Tuna heads = win.
It's a year's worth for us plus a couple of dozen jars for relatives. I have been using peroxide to fizz up any blood and rubbing alcohol to cut the fish oil but there is no getting around the fishy smell with the pressure cooker. It is well worth the effort, so nice to have ready to eat fish on hand. Tuna tacos or tuna-veggies-rice make for quick meals. Yes, time to go crabbing! And trout and bass fishing. Time to stock up!

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