New flock planning?

Holy moly! That's insane.

It sounds like you have an awesome setup for warmer months, so I would absolutely give the Bielefelders a shot. Hope you'll post pics! 😁
Would like to update on the bielefelders, the eggs arrived a week ago and I started incubating them, got 12 Bielefelder eggs and 8 barred rocks in the mail, 8 bielefelder and 2 barred rock eggs are developing well.

Was thinking I would have a horrible hatch rate because of the state of a lot of the air cells, fortunately a lot of them re attached. Pretty good hatch rate for shipped eggs. Unfortunately can’t say the same for my eggs im incubating together (I think my 2 Year old rooster has fertility problems). 0% fertility rate, used to have 95-100% with my previous roo.

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