Missing feathers on Pekin ducks neck


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2021
I just noticed that on my male Pekin duck that he has some missing & shortened feathers on his neck. His belly has a lot of missing feathers and short feathers which we assumed was from being wet a lot & sitting a lot since he’s special needs but the same thing is happening on his neck now. The area is pink, there’s no cuts or open areas.
What could this be from?!
He’s with 12 other ducks.
I did also look for mites and lice and I didn’t see anything.
Do you have a camera set up where you can watch what's going on? Being he's special needs someone may be going after him. They will pick on one that shows signs of weakness. Being he's white you should be able to see parasites in his skin pretty easy.
Yeah I definitely didn’t see any parasites on him.
I don’t have a camera set up but I do know that when they all eat and drink Lucky (my special needs duck) will push his way through & the others will peck at him but Lucky will peck right back at them. Otherwise they all get along just fine.

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