Missing crest feathers

My silver laced has a nice round puffy crest, just as puffy as my white crest black. What other things do you look for in a male?
Mostly you look for early comb development, boys will get pink earlier and than red by 8-10 weeks generally.

In non bearded individuals the boys develop wattles earlier too. So that's what I look at in the laced varieties.

The white crested varieties are easier to tell by crest shape usually.
I’ve noticed just today that my Polish chick (8weeks) has crest feathers missing (tiny little blood spots) and a some gunk around her eye. As far as I could tell this just happened today. She is a very timid chick and definitely low on the pecking order. She had a very slow start with a vitamin deficiency / crooked toes / very lethargic etc... but we got her back to where she was acting much more like the other chicks and has been seemingly healthy since. I did notice she was sleeping in the run by herself today while all the others (10 chickens, mixed breeds, also 8 weeks) were all in a big pile. She has always seemed to be a bit of a “loner” so I didn’t think anything of it. Should I be worried that someone is really picking on her? Or is this normal pecking order establishment? She’s the only crested bird in the flock. Also, I allowed them to free range out into our yard/woods (4 acres) so it’s not like they’re stuck in close quarters. She prefers to stay in the run, and not venture out much. New to chicken ownership, so I am very clueless as to what is “normal” yet!
Do you have an update on her? I have the same polish with a few missing crest feathers as well!

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